Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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~Chapter 8~

*Carrie's POV*

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell Niall about my father so badly...but I knew things wouldn't be the same after.

I liked Niall, a lot, and it felt like he liked me back.

I didn't want to ruin what we had...he actually cares about me.

"Sweetheart, please tell me." Niall said, calmly.

I knew I had to make a decision.

I was going to tell him. I trusted Niall, and I needed to tell someone before it killed me.

I realized that I was crying.

I hadn't cried for so many years, and it actually felt good.

I was releasing all of my pain and hurt that my dad inflicted on me.

I was ready to open up.

I talked slow, and sniffly. "When I tell you this, you're never going to look at me the same. You're going to think I'm a monster, and a killer. You'll hate me," I stopped and looked him straight in the eyes. "But that's okay, because I hate me too."

His crystal clear blue eyes were full of wonder and curiosity caused by what I was about to say.

"I killed my mother. I'm the reason she's dead." I choked out, crying harder than I was before.

Niall looked so concerned...I was ruining everything by telling him this. He deserved to know, though.

No one should like a killer.

"My dad punished me for it every day, too. He would lock me in the attic and cut and slice at my skin." I pulled up his sweatshirt, revealing loads of scars on my stomach.

Niall gasped. The hate was beginning to set it, I just knew it.

"All the times I've zoned out, since I met you...I was remembering what he did to me. That dream I had, where I was begging for death..." I had stopped crying by now and was looking down at the bed.

I looked right into his eyes again and allowed one stray tear to fall down my cheek.

I whispered "I begged for that every day."

I put my head back down and started crying again, but even harder than I had before.

Niall sat there for a moment before taking his hand and lifting my chin up, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"First off, it wasn't your fault your about your mum. It was during birth, wasn't it?" I nodded my head, still bawling. "That has nothing to do with you, Carrie, and whoever said otherwise lied. You're not a monster. You're not a killer. You are perfect. Secondly, your father had no right do that to you...a girl like you should be treated with nothing but love, which I plan to show you, if you trust me. Thirdly, I promise you you'll never wish to die again. I promise you that, Carrie."

A lone tear slipped from his eyes and I knew he was being honest. Everything that he had said actually made me feel happy, and not the happy that I always faked. Niall made me feel genuinely happy, something I hadn't felt in a long time. There was just one thing that worried me...

Niall had addressed everything that I said except for the part where I said he'd hate me...but right when I was starting to cry again he looked me in the eyes and said "I will never hate you. You're my Care-Bear."

I started crying right then, but not out of sadness. Out of joy. I was laughing and crying and hugging Niall all at the same time, and I was so glad I told him.

I had only known this sweet Irish boy for a day, and I felt like I had known him for ages.

I was seriously developing feelings for him....and that kind of worried me since we had only known each other for a short time.

Though that was true, I didn't care.

I had a new friend, and I trusted him.

I trusted Niall with my life.

*a few hours later*

Niall and I had fallen asleep next to each other in his bed and I actually felt safe. I was so happy. I knew we'd be best friends.

*Niall' POV*

Finding all of that out about Carrie was heartbreaking. Those scars ran deep, and I couldn't believe her own father inflicted them onto her. It was so sad.

I promised her I'd make her never wish she was dead again, and I'm a man of my word. I planned to spend every moment with her that I could. The lads and I would make her feel loved.

I couldn't believe that we had only met hours before she told me everything...I could tell by the look in her eyes that she hadn't ever told anyone before me. That made me feel really great.

Tomorrow, the boys and I would take her on an adventure and make her feel happy.

I had it all planned out.

I was really liking Carrie by now, but I couldn't tell her yet. I was afraid she'd be weirded out since we'd known each other for such a small period of time.

At that moment, it didn't matter.

I had just gained a new best friend.


AAWWW! They're besties!!

Can you believe Carrie told Niall after only one day?! I guess she reallyyyyy trusts him!

Do you think they'll end up dating?!


If you can't wait to find out then make sure you read chapter 9 when I update! :D

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Thank you all so much for reading! It means a lot, my lovelies. (:

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