Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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So Carrie and Niall are best friends now and she opened up to him!

Do you think she'll regret it along the line?

Read and find out! :D

Here's chapter 9!


~Chapter 9~

*2 weeks later, Carrie's POV*

Me and Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis have spent basically every waking hour together. They make me feel so welcomed!

I never had friends as a child...but the boys were really making up for it.

The morning after I stayed at their flat we realized mine is just across the street! I had been living across from One Direction for almost a year without knowing it.

It's amazing what a person can miss when they're dwelling in the past...

Of course, thanks to them, I also lost my job.

*flashback, Louis's POV*

We were all eating breakfast and having a great conversation the morning after Carrie spent the night at our flat.

Everyone was acting normal and asking Carrie questions.

"Where were you born?" Zayn asked, not thinking anything would be wrong about his question.

As she opened her mouth to answer, the color drained from her face and Niall looked really worried, like something was wrong.

"Well...uh, the states." Carrie managed to choke out..

Harry looked at her, confused, and proceeded to ask "Well which one?"

The poor girl got even paler, though I didn't think that was possible, and Niall shot Haz a death glare.

As she was about to answer, her eyes widened, and I could tell something was about to be said.

Sure enough, I was right. Except what Carrie spoke came out more or less as a yell.

"OH CRAP I WAS SUPPOSED TO CLEAN THE SHOP LAST NIGHT OH MY GOD IM GONNA GET FIRED!" We all jumped at her newly-found scream and Liam said "Well then c'mon! We'll getcha there!"

We all ran into the car and made it to Starbucks within a few minutes.

The second we walked in and her boss saw Carrie he started screaming and yelling at her, which really made me mad. She cut her hand and had to get stitches, old man!!! Stop yelling at her!!

All of the sudden, I heard him scream "Are you trying to get fired?!"

Before Carrie had time to answer, I cut in and said as calmly as I possibly could "Oh, no. She's not getting fired because she QUITS!"

Carrie looked at me like I had just killed a man and screamed at the top of her lungs "I WHAT?!"

Then her boss fired her, and we left to go back to the flat. But hey, her having no job meant spending time with the lads and me more often! I had done her a favor, if anything.

*end of flashback, Carrie's POV*

We were all sitting on the couch doing nothing and Harry yelled "IM SO BORED WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?"

We all sat thinking for a moment, before Zayn came up with an idea. "Let's play truth or dare!"

We all proceeded to the floor and sat in a circle, me sitting between Niall and Louis. Before anyone could say anything about who went first, Harry said "I'll go!" and looked around the circle.

His gaze finally settled on Liam and he said "Leeeyummm! I dare you to put your head in the toilet and flush it!" You could tell he was very proud of the dare he had just given Liam.

"Oh all right, fine." Liam got up and we all followed him to the bathroom as he did what he was dared. When his head came out of the water he was gasping and his hair was all in his face...we all laughed uncontrollably before walking back to the living room and sitting in the same positions we were in before.

When Liam dried off, he was deciding on who to dare when he said "Zaynnn. I dare you to put shaving cream all in your hair." Liam smirked, and Zayn was crushed. "W-what?! My hair? PLEASE, LIAM PLEASE NO!"

Liam just looked him in the eye, smirking and pointing to the bathroom, and said "Shaving creams that way, mate."

Zayn reluctantly did his dare and sat back down in his spot, looking angrily at Liam. Suddenly, though, the anger slid off of his face and turned into a smirk. "Carrie" He said in a suspenseful tone. "I dare you and the person on your left to kiss, on the lips."

I shrugged my shoulders and leaned towards Louis, as he was sitting on my left. "OH WAIT I MEANT RIGHT SORRY LOVE RIGHT KISS THE PERSON ON YOUR RIGHT" Zayn screamed at me, as I realized he was trying to get me and Niall to kiss.

The thought of kissing Louis was like being dared to kiss your brother, but when it was Niall...I felt nervous and almost shakey. Niall and I looked into each others eyes, which only made me even more nervous. We closed our eyes and leaned into each other. When my lips finally met his, I felt something. It was a tingle...it started in my lips and then circled all throughout my body. We finally pulled away from eachother, causing the rest of the boys to "aww" and us to blush.

That kiss was amazing.

*1 hour later, Niall's POV*

We were finished playing truth or dare and were now watching movie. I'm not even quite sure what its called, to be honest. I can't stop thinking about that kiss with Carrie..

I know it was only a dare, but I could've sworn I felt something. My nerves were all over the place beforehand, and when her lips met mine, I didn't want it to stop.

We've spent two weeks together and, oh boy. I thought I may have had feelings for her before, but now? Now I'm almost positive I do.

I need to figure out if she likes me back...but how?

She probably doesn't though...she's so perfect and I'm so not. I'm hopeless.

I'll need to talk to one of the boys about this. Probably Liam.

He's trustworthy.

Yeah, I'll ask Liam.

'Maybe I'm not hopeless after all' I thought, smiling to myself.



So how'd you like chapter 9?!

Do you think that kiss in truth or dare really did mean something?

Will the kiss lead to something more than a friendship?!


If you want them answered, be sure to check out chapter 10!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Thanks for reading, my lovelies(:

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