Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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So Im pretty excited for this chapter...

But I think you all will be pretty disappointed in Niall and Liam. (mostly Niall) /:

And I just want to take this opportunity to thank you guys for reading. You all will never know how much it means to me(:

So now that that's said, here's chapter 10!


~Chapter 10~

*1 day later, Niall's POV*

Carrie went to her flat this morning to shower and get ready for the day. The boys and I are taking her on an adventure, since it was raining yesterday and we couldn't. I figured since she's not here, now would be the perfect time to ask Liam what I should do!

"Hey, Liam?" I'm really nervous right now. How do I tell him?

"Yeah?" He answered me, now what do I say? Oh crap. I should've thought this out more. "Uh..can I talk to you in private?"

Liam nodded his head and we went upstairs to his room. "What'd you wanna talk about?"

This is my chance. I have to tell him, otherwise, I'll really be hopeless with Carrie. "IneedhelpbecauseIthinkIlikecarriebutIdontknowif-"

"Woah, now! You've gotta slow it down a bit, mate."

Ugh. Liam wants me to say it slower. It's hard enough to say it fast! I have to to do this, though. For Carrie. I let out a sigh and then repeated what I had said. "I need help because I think I like Carrie but I don't know if she likes me back."

Liam just stared at me. Crap.

"YOU LIKE CFJFDIEE?!" I immediately shoved my hand over his mouth so the rest of the lads wouldn't hear. I love them and all, but if Louis found out, he'd go straight to Carrie with it.

"Yes now help me!" I was desperate. Very desperate.

I could tell by the look on his face that Liam was thinking. "Well, it's definitely not flawless but you could always pretend date another girl to see if she gets jealous.?" His answer sounded like a question, like he didn't know if I'd say yes.

I'd try anything to see if Carrie felt the same way about me as I do her. I sighed and told Liam yes.

Oh, boy. Now I have to pretend I like another girl while I'm around the girl I actually like. This won't be hard, at all! (Notice the sarcasm)

*Liam's POV*

Wow, I didn't actually think Niall would say yes to my idea.

He really must like her!

"Who should be the girl?" Niall asked me, sounding a bit disappointed.

"Doesn't your friend from Mullingar live in St. Albans, like 20 miles away?" I had remembered him talking about the girl a while back.

"You mean Katy?" He looked puzzled. "That's gonna be hard to pretend, mate. I grew up with her!"

"Well who else will you ask?" I made a good point. It was Katy or nothing.

"Oh, fine. Lemme call her." Niall left the room to call Katy and I realized what I had just done.

I saw the look in Carrie's eyes after her and Niall kissed...there wasn't a doubt in my mind that she liked him.

Maybe I should tell Niall to just ask her. "Wait, Niall! Come back!" I chased him into his bedroom and he put down his phone.

"What is it?"

"Do you think maybe you should just ask her? I mean what if she really likes you and sees you with Katy? She'd be crushed!" I was trying desperately to convince him to not make Carrie jealous.

"Are you kidding? I don't have the guts to do that!" He was still insisting on calling Katy... I had to think of something, I just had to! "Yet you have the guts to possibly hurt Carrie? C'mon, mate!"

"Nonsense. Even if she does like me, which I doubt, there's no way she likes me enough to get hurt if she sees me with Katy." Niall was convinced that Katy was his best bet.

There was no way I could make him think otherwise.

What've I done?

*Niall's POV*

As I was finding Katy's contact in my phone, I started to wonder if Liam was right. I mean, what if all I do is hurt her by doing this?

She's been hurt enough in her life...

I reluctantly called Katy and explained to her the plan. She said yes.

I had no other option.

After I hung up with Katy I gathered all the boys in my room and told them what was going on.

"You guys, I need your help." Waited for me to explain further.

"I like Carrie, and before you all freak out, you can't tell her. I invited my friend from Mullingar, Katy, to come with us today. She's going to be my fake date. So if you could, just act like you know her and pretend we're together." No one said a word.

"Do you really think that's a good idea, Nialler?" I heard Zayn say, while the rest of the band nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well what other choice do I have?" I was desperate, didn't they get that?!

"Ask her!" All of my best mates said this simultaneously.

Before I could say anything else, I heard a knock on the door.

Katy was here.

"Thats Katy. Please, you guys?" They had me begging.

They all reluctantly nodded their heads and I went to get the door.

Oh, no.

Katy AND Carrie were standing at m door. Together. At the same time.

I guess the plan starts now.


Ohhh, boy.

How do you guys think it'll go on the groups adventure?

Will Carrie get jealous of Katy?

Things are starting to get intense, you guys.

Don't forget to vote and comment! (:

Thank you all SO MUCH for reading! You are all lovely(:

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