Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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I wanna take a second to tell you guys how happy I am right now! There’s now over 1k readers on Fates a Funny Thing. I know there’s SO many stories that have way more, but it just feels so good knowing I have that many people reading something I wrote myself. I say this all the time, but writing is my dream, and it has been for a few years now. I used to not think I was any good, but each time I see a new reader, it makes me feel like I actually have a shot at being a real writer. Anyways, all the mushy gushy stuff aside, here’s chapter 29(:

Chapter 29

*Niall’s POV*

As the truck drove closer and closer, the boys and I commenced a revised version of our original plan. Behind the front door, where we assumed Carrie’s father would enter, was a large, hexagon shaped room. The walls were a medium tan and there were two big double doors with small window panes on the both of them. From the outside, the windows were tinted and no one could see inside. But from the inside, the windows were clear and had an amazing view that reached throughout almost the entire bottom floor of the house. The five of us all filed in and sat comfortably on the floor, crossing our legs, in wait. My nerves were flying everywhere and I shook with mixed emotions. Fear, excitement, happiness, depression, I couldn’t decide how I felt about the situation. It was too late, though, and my opinion no longer mattered. This was happening, whether I was ready or not. I thought back to the days when I was just a little kid, and played hide-and-seek with my friends. I tried to convince myself that that’s all this was, just a game where the band were the seekers and Carrie and her father were the ones who got found. But I didn’t manage to make myself believe.

I was shaking harder than I realized, my hands trembling like there was an earthquake going on inside my head. Louis, who was sitting next to me, looked me in the eyes in a way that passed his courage onto me. I smiled a half smile that was soon wiped away by the earthquake.

My thoughts were slammed out of my head by footsteps approaching the front door. I sat up straighter and braced myself.

In my head, I telling myself it wouldn’t be that bad. But I have never been more wrong.

While the tall, brown stained door was pushed open and a medium sized man stepped through, I held my breath. The man I identified as Carrie’s father took another step inside, and revealed Carrie. I gasped, tears automatically threating to penetrate my eyes. I threw my hand over my mouth to muffle my heavy breathing as the rest of the boys comforted me in every way they could. Mr. Young shot his head towards us, behind the closed door, and we all got tense. Had we been discovered? He stared for a good minute and a half before deciding to himself that there was no one there. He took a left turn and walked directly towards the area of the house that we couldn’t see; the part of the house that contained the attic, with the blood-rusted chains. When the coast was clear and the pair was out of sight, I took my hand off of my mouth and fought back the tears as images of Carrie shot through my mind, over and over. She was so hurt…

I guess I had my thoughts written all over my face, because all the boys asked “Are you alright, Ni?”

I shook my head, indicating that I wasn’t. “But that doesn’t matter. We have to get Carrie. Now. There’s no excuses this time. She’s in the house, and she isn’t leaving with anyone but us.”

Carrie came into my mind again, and I shivered.

“What is it, mate?” Zayn asked me.

“Even through the tinted glass…” I paused and held back the tears. “…it was like she looked right at me, her eyes screamed ‘help’.”

The boys all looked at me with sympathetic looks.

I managed to rise up to my feet, and the boys and I began walking.

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