Fates a Funny Thing (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

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Hello my loves. Am I the only one who’s flipping out about school ending? I have like 2 and a half days left but I don’t think I’m even going for one of them so it’s gonna be an amazing week next week. Anyway, all the summer mumbo-jumbo aside, here’s the next chapter. You’re in for something special… (; (btw, this chapters extra-long) Also, the song used in this is called Me Without You, and it’s also by Sam Tsui. Check it out!

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Chapter 34                                                                                 

*Niall’s POV*

I woke up the next day with my arms wrapped tight around Carrie and her head nuzzled into my neck. I breathed in and took in the scent of her hair. She was amazing. I smiled at the thought of having her back and flashed back to what I had told myself last night. Today is the day we become official. I smiled even wider and leaned down to kiss Carrie’s head as I unraveled my arms from her torso and climbed carefully out of bed so I wouldn’t wake her. I quietly walked to the door and slipped out, dragging the wooden slab back in place as I took off down the stairs to get breakfast. To my surprise, the boys were sitting at our kitchen table, waiting on me. They all smiled at me when I reached them, and I smiled back. As I fixed myself a bowl of cereal, I spoke to my best friends.

“Well you guys are up early.”

“We wanted to see how your first night reunited with Carrie went.” Zayn said, watching me as I prepared my breakfast.

“Well it was great.” I paused, and smiled to myself. “She’s great.”

I took my bowl and walked to the table and sat with the boys. I needed their help with today, so I decided this was a good time to ask.

“Hey, you guys?”

“Yeah?” They said in sync.

“I need a favor.”

“Anything.” Harry said, as Liam nodded his head in agreement.

“Well, I was thinking about it last night and even though Carrie and I have been through so much with each other and obviously are in love, we aren’t really official. I’ve never actually asked her to be my girlfriend or anything, and I think this is the day to do it. So would you guys be up to keeping her occupied while I get a couple of things done? I already know what I need and everything I just have to buy it and set it up at the park.”

The boys all exchanged glances and finally, Louis spoke up.

“Sure thing, Ni. We’d be happy to.” He was smiling more than he usually did when I asked a favor of him, and I began to get skeptical.

“Why are you smiling like that, Lou?”

He smirked and responded. “I’ve heard you say that you loved Carrie, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard you say that you were ‘in love’ with her. With any girl, actually.”

I smiled at Louis’s realization and thought about it before speaking back. “Well, that’s because I’ve never felt so strongly about a girl in my life. This is special.”

The boys all giggled at me and Harry even mocked what I had said about it being special with Carrie. If it were someone else in my shoes, it’d probably come across as insulting. But with us, it was just their way of saying that they accepted me, that they accepted Carrie and me together. It’s just how we are.

“Thanks, guys, for being willing to help. I couldn’t do it without you.”

The boys all nodded a silent “you’re welcome” as Carrie shuffled down the stairs to meet us.

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