Stephanie's Introduction

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It wasn't until that moment that I accidentally bumped into him. I tried to avoid him at every possible moment, I would have rather snuck my looks in, but it something about that encounter that let me know that it was worth it. "Excuse me, I'm sorry" was the only thing that came out of my mouth. Smiling so hard I could feel my lips splitting apart. He looked at me like he had seen a model out of a magazine. Looking around to see who he was looking at, it dawned on me that his attention was focused on me. Looking him over I made sure I hadn't spilled any punch on him, "I'm so sorry, did I spill anything on you?". He looked himself over and with the soft voice he spoke "you good, ma I don't have nothing on me." My heart started racing from the thick heavy accent he spoke. I knew conversing with him was wrong, but it was something about him.

My girl Evett was on his friend's Mike head all night. She kept asking me about him cause she wanted the hook up, but Mike wasn't interested in her. She kept pressing me to hook her up, and it wasn't going to happen. Mike was one of the secret friends I had. My mom's would have killed me had she known me and Mike talked or even hung out from time to time. Mike was this smooth cat from around the way. He had all the girls, and even had the youngins chasing after him. We happen to meet by accident if that's what you want to call it. That's a whole different story I'll save for another time. Back to this cat I met at the kickback.

It was almost like God wanted us to meet at that exact time and moment. In the back of my head all I could think was I had to get to know this dude. Not even considering that fact that there were far more better looking girls in the room, but his eyes stayed fixed on me. I was ready to against the finest girl in the room for him, just to know to know his name, or sit next to him. My curiosity started growing quick, so I played it cool.

"You not from around here are you?", he looked as if I had spoken a foreign language. Snapping out of his trance he fixed himself, and put his cup down on the table. It was hard to understand him with his heavy accent, but I wanted to know so bad I ignored the fact that some of the words he spoke I didn't understand. "Yea I'm from here, what about you?", fixing my hair "I'm from around these parts, I live over on the east side." The look on his face changed as soon as I let east side escape my lips. We both knew at the exact moment what that meant. The tension between the blacks and the Hispanics was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

It didn't matter that he was a Hispanic to me, I had to know this new face. "Excuse me for not formally introducing myself, my name is Stephanie..what is your name?" ...

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