Center Stage

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Momma rushed to put the finish touches on my hair. A few squirts of sprits followed by a quick spray of oil sheen, and we were off. Graduation was starting in less then thirty minutes, with only fifteen minutes to make it so that I wouldn't lose my spot in line. My family was in awe with my new look. I was finally comfortable in my own skin. The dress fit me perfectly as well as the shoes. Only thing that I couldn't wait to get to the graduation ceremony to remove my thong momma bought for me. I wasn't into strings as panties, so on this night i'd graduate with no panties on.

Daddy rushed through traffic like a bat out of hell. He was determined to get me to school on time. Before daddy could park I jumped out of the car running to the building. Nothing was going to get in the way of me walking across the stage with my diploma in my hand. Everything had lead up to this moment. All the bullshit that I encountered over the summer, would politely be waved goodbye as I turn to wave to the crowd. My life outside of the bay was about to start in less then twenty-four hours. I was ecstatic yet nervous at the same time. My family and friends would be in California as made my way to Michigan.

Another bitter sweet feeling that tasted more sweet than bitter. It was time to meet new people, experience different things in my life. Had I stayed another year in the bay I would probably be dead before I reached the age of nine-teen. My mind frame had changed over the course of the school year. I would no longer be another nigga from the bay. With my ambition and determination, I was going to be a successful social work with a master in human service and a minor in child hood psychology. If I was lucky enough I would find my husband at state. My mind was already on that plane, and my body was standing in line waiting to walk across that stage.

My heart began racing as we walked in formation into the auditorium. In just a few short minutes I'll be a graduate Roosevelt Jr. High School...


My feet damn near stuck to the floor as my name blared from the intercom speaker, "Stephanie Elisha Simmonds." Tears fell from my eyes as I shook the principles hand. My four years of busting my ass resulted in me being the first of my family to graduate high school. The smile on my stretched from ear to ear. I was thankful yet humble. God had blessed to make it this far, without him I was nothing.

Antonio stood at the other end of the stage with a flower and his beautiful smile. We had accomplished being the first high school graduates. Seeing his face at the end of that stage made my night, my baby had finally finished something. I was proud of Antonio for dedication and fighting when it seemed the devil was working overtime. He was my hero, my knight in shinning armor, my lover, my best friend, my all. "Stephanie we made we did it." the excitment in Antonio's voice confirmed that he took in everything that we talked about. He would make it out of the bay area. Antonio would go on to be that special education/ kindergarten teacher he always dreamed of. I loved Antonio with every inch of me, he was what I needed in my life. A man that was God fearing as well as giving, relaxed, lived life, and humble just as I was.

Love has no barriers, love has no color, love is love....


The graduation after party had died down and it was time for people make their way home. I had no desire to go straight home. Antonio was on the menu tonight. I'd give him something to remember before I boarded my plane. He ever seemed to disappoint me when it came down to things. To show my appreciation I'd put in extra work so that the next chick couldn't measure up.

Antonio had no clue that I would be showing up at his door at one o'clock in the morning. This would be a surprise he wouldn't see coming. He'd be the one running and moaning...I just hope he was ready....

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