The Gamemaking Team

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Name: Fanta, Florence

Role: Head Gamemaker

Age: 37

Division Specialty: Arena creation.

Appearance: As of 02126717. Orange hair, dulled, down to below shoulders. Fair skin. Weight is 137 PU (Panem Units). Eye colour is artificial orange. Body is unmodified, skin is a pallor of orange from previous injections, however. Smile is pristine, Capitol work done. Stern and scarcely smiling, often a scowl; requires next wrinkle-treatment in 01 years. Stands at a height of 5 feet, 5 inches. Clothing style is sparse, often orange; found in a skirt and blouse.

History: Born to middle-class Capitolites (one sibling, Marta), sent to school in the mountains of Panem until coming of age. Florence Fanta then rose in rankings using her gifted skills in leadership until at the age of 27 she was invited as a Co-Gamemaker, and took reign at the age of 29, the second youngest in history. Not married, parents deceased, two cats named Ginger and Electro. Estate is currently a high-security enclosed bungalow in a gated community.

Personality: Watchful and intelligent, Ms. Fanta had displayed signs of leadership since childhood. She prefers to keep her emotions out of the limelight and prefers the public to think of her as mysterious. Confidence and enthusiasm, however, are two traits which take away from her aloofness to the public eye. Her gamemaking style reflects her personality: grounded, yet finicky. She's prone to bursts of isolation.

Tribute Allocation Preference: Any.

Code Number: X1003BU


Name: Dosque, Hector

Role: Assistant Gamemaker

Age: 42

Division Specialty: Mental Stimulation.

Appearance: As of 02126717. Brown hair is cropped and shaved into patterns of intricate details; dyed in the oil-slick trend of purple and green hues. Dark complexion. Weight is 149 PU. Height is 5 feet, 7 inches. Musculature is lanky. Modified bright blue eyes and white tattoos snake his neck. His signature colour and suit of choice is silver with any sort of tie (colourful, multi-hued, etc.).

History: Mr. Hector Dosque grew up the child of the overseer of Two, and attended the same academy as Ms. Fanta. No siblings reported. Mother died when Mr. Dosque was thirteen, but father kept reign over Two. Though older than Ms. Fanta, Mr. Dosque took longer to attain the ranks of an assistant Gamemaker, instead traversing up through trainer to worker in the laboratory, until he was hand-picked from a pool of applicants to assist the newest head Gamemaker.

Personality: Quiet, scarcely a word he speaks. When speaking, though, Mr. Dosque exhibits a great mastery of the spoken word, and has the gift of playing the people by way of inflection. In other words, had Mr. Dosque not presented himself qualified in his outstanding leadership and intelligence, he would have done well in the acting sector of the Capitol. Snake-like with cunningness and observance, he finds Ms. Fanta's occasional antics unprofessional. His strict manner is only changed when faced with a new task or mental puzzle.

Tribute Allocation Preference: Manipulative; unrefined; 'underdog'; quick and intelligent.

Code Number: Y1326PS


Name: Moritz, Victinius

Role: Assistant Gamemaker

Age: 25

Division Specialty: Muttations.

Appearance: As of 02126717. Childhood fat scarcely off his face. No modifications present. Blue-grey eyes and fair skin. Square face with freckles. Hair is the colour reddish-brown and is cropped to a scruffy length of approximately 3.5 inches. Stands at a height of 5'4", weight is 162 PU. Build is moderate. Often found in grey or black suits.

History: Mr. Victinius Moritz grew up a sibling of three to labourers who worked on the machinery in the Gamemaking studio and arena. Mr. Moritz was often overshadowed by his older and more successful counterparts (Ilse, the famed news-anchor; and Allepo, an esteemed scholar), but followed in his parent's footsteps, becoming fascinated by the world of mechanics. He attended a modest school and through an elite recommendation attained an internship during Game #134 (classification: un-redacted), to which he worked on filing paperwork on the charts of the newest mutations. At 23, he rose to the lead of mutation control, until this newest year of Panem in which Mr. Moritz was invited by Ms. Fanta herself to become an assistant Gamemaker and advise her on the physical entities of the game.

Personality: Nervous but excitable, Mr. Moritz displays signs of enthusiasm not evident in many other workers. He chooses his words carefully in the presence of officials or the public, but loves the prospect of his job so extremely that he is oft found pacing back and forth. His speech is calm, albeit often, and though excitable or nervous, remains with the cool air of seeming professionalism. Is a fan of comic relief but not of the variety in which he or his family, friends, coworkers, or lesser populations, are the recipients.

Tribute Allocation Preference: Brutish; uncaring; exciting; fascinating.

Code Number: Y1336AF


Name: Ursa, Ara

Role: Master of Ceremonies

Age: 23

Division Specialty: N/A

Appearance: As of 02126717. Hair is permanently curled at the lower half, which reaches mid-back, and straightened the top. Hair is permanently modified to changing shades from wires threaded within. It is currently a shade of charcoal black to Seven green to light blue. She stands at 5'0" and weighs 105 PU. She is slightly stout. Her eye colour is a modified green and she has had permanent makeup affixed to her tanned, youthful, face. She sports any type of dress imaginable, though is a fan of a sharp suit in a shade of purple.

History: Ms. Ursa grew up in a family of tailors to high-end Capitolites. Though she aspired to become a fashion designer, she was recruited by a modelling agency at the age of fifteen, and rose to prominence through her work on Capitol shows "If You Show Enough" and "Ms. Daisy and Mr. Johnson". When she grew out of the roles she proceeded to hosting the pre-show of the Games, and has become the youngest Master of Ceremonies after being instated at the age of 22.

Personality: Clearly an audacious and ambitious woman, though her on-air personality may come across as ditzy, she is in fact in possession of one of the highest visual intelligence scores in the entirety of Panem. She speaks for all those young Capitol citizens who have high dreams, and is often quiet off set, reading the latest newspapers or magazines or romance novel. Kind and altruistic, she has made her way to the top based on merit and skill, and has not trampled on anyone in the bid to stay at the top. Saying that, she is certainly not one to be naive to those trying to pull a fast one, and will pull out her biting humour to combat any sort of indignation.

Tribute Allocation Preference: Unique.

Code Number: X2029UA

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