District Eight Male | Roscoe Wayland [TheDarkHorse]

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Name: Roscoe Wayland

Age: 16


District Eight


Roscoe's appearance has always fallen somewhere in between in terms of his appearance. Standing at 5'11", he's not exactly short, but definitely not tall either. He'd be the first to admit that he isn't the most attractive boy in his District - with messy eyebrows, and features far from chiseled. However, his full lips and chocolate brown eyes keep him from being unattractive. He even manages to fall somewhere in between with his skin tone - lighter than most in his family, but darker than almost anyone else in the District. In part due his in between appearance, Roscoe somehow manages to stand out in almost every crowd, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

In one word, Roscoe is a dreamer. He's always thinking of and imagining ways that his life can get better: marrying one of the few Victors in Eight, a rebellion that fixes everything, one of his parents getting a promotion. However, all he's known for is being a little spacey and never managing to get all the work done. Mostly shy and quiet, since he's too busy imagining ways things could work out in his head, he very rarely talks to people. When he does, he's constantly tripping over his words since the other person is never following the script he imagined. Although it's one of his family's favorite things about him, his naivety is probably his greatest downfall.

Roscoe was the first and only son of two factory workers in Eight, who always wanted to have more than one child, but knew they could never afford one. They aren't poor exactly, but their small pay checks are just enough to make ends meet for the three of them. As such, Roscoe is his parent's pride and joy. He loves them equally, and follows in their footsteps as much as possible. Already, he works a shift in the factory after school each day. He doesn't excel in either, but he tries and that's what matters.


Roscoe has been alone all of his life, being alone in the Games won't be that big of a deal for him.

One of Roscoe's biggest talents is making the best of a bad situation. He's unlikely to get depressed in the Games.

Some people find his quirkiness endearing, and he never blends in with a crowd, so he's probably more likely to get a sponsor.

Although he can make himself feel better about a situation, he's notoriously bad about actually doing anything about it.

Hurting someone is unimaginable for Roscoe. He won't fight unless in self-defense.

Roscoe has never had any training, and isn't particularly strong. He isn't likely to win a fight against anyone close to his age.

His mom panicked since they never had even considered Roscoe getting Reaped and they didn't have a token for him. So, he got all that she had on her: her wedding ring.

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