Auribus Teneo Lupum | Scores and Ballots

66 9 0

"I don't know why some tributes can't follow our pushings! Ms. Fanta, I gave them the muttations but they seemed only to respond to certain portions and not others. The Screms were most disappointing—where was the euphoria? It must have been a glitch in the system. They are new, after all, so there's probably some configuration that must be done."

"Oh, settle down. It's scarcely an issue. They did well enough."


D1 Female - Crystal Caverly – 9 [1]

D3 Female - Paige Chromadell – 10

D4 Female - Jacqueline "Jackie" Ecclestone – 10 [1]

D4 Male - Eton Morgan – 0 [2]

D5 Male - Leo Tolstoy – 9 [4]

D6 Female - Valentine Oceanfall – 13

D7 Female - Aspen Summers – 10 [2]

D7 Male - Redwood "Red" Acres – ELIMINATED

D8 Male - Roscoe Wayland – 8

D9 Male- Follin Ryme – 11

D10 Female - Calliope Adoni-Zedek – 7

D10 Male - Nico Deacon – 7

D11 Female - Therese "Tess" Borde – 10

D11 Male - Jeffrey R. Beers – 10 [2]

D12 Female - Ember Lewins – 8

The Third Annual Writer's Game: RootsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora