Auribus Teneo Lupum | Females

75 11 5

District One - Crystal Caverly

Crystal woke to a high-pitched scream of terror. Her eyes flew open at the same time that her hand instinctively reached for the daggers beside her. She rose to her feet, the movement slow and uncoordinated. She struggled to shake off the tiredness that filled her body, by shaking her head and bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet. Glancing around the wooded area, there was no immediate source of the piercing scream, but it wasn't long before it sounded again, this time even closer.

There was a moment of eerie silence, and Crystal gripped her daggers more tightly. Her eyes darted around the trees, and she turned in a slow circle, watching. There was another split second of silence, and then the pounding of feet and panicked breathing sounded behind her. Crystal whirled around, raising her daggers defensively as a tribute burst into view. The tribute was a brown haired who might have been from District Six, but before Crystal could be certain, something much more threatening appeared behind her.

A mutt. It looked vaguely wolf-like, with brown fur that rippled like mud and decay come to life. It was large and stocky, with a head that looked too big for its body. The entire thing was repulsive to her, and Crystal couldn't help but stare its most grotesque feature. The mutt's jaw-a rotting, yellow thing that looked like it was seconds away from dropping off the creature. God that is repulsive. Barely had she made this assessment when the creature moved.

Lightning fast, it jumped forward, landing directly atop the brown haired girl Crystal had momentarily forgotten about. The girl, no doubt paralyzed with fear, made no attempt to fight back, and Crystal couldn't help the snort of disdain that left her at the sight. Stupid girl. She should have died in the bloodbath. She couldn't help the morbid fascination that filled her as she watched the mutt bite the other girl's arm, leaving trails of crimson as she went limp. Blood sprayed through the air, a rainbow devoid of all color but red. Shrieks of pain filled the air, and the sounds jolted Crystal out of her daze. She had to move.

Choosing a random direction, Crystal ran as fast as she could, adrenaline pumping through her veins. The hormone woke her far more effectively than almost anything else could have. She moved without thought, turning and twisting through the trees. A growl echoed behind her, and Crystal glanced back. The wolf thing was chasing her.

Shit. She increased her pace, her feet hitting the ground hard and fast. It wasn't enough. She could hear low growls coming closer and closer. Could feel the ground trembling with the weight of the mutt. Unable to help herself, Crystal looked behind her once more. The mutt was less than a foot away, distorted mouth bared in a snarl that made her spine run cold. She stopped, lifting her daggers once more as she realized she wouldn't be able to outrun it.

Running away would have been boring anyway.

It wasn't long before the mutt charged towards her, moving far more quickly than Crystal had originally thought it could be. The dagger in her hand raised instinctively, slashing at the mutt's nose. Blood spurted from the creature, a hot spray that flew into her eyes. Crystal stumbled backwards, waving her dagger upwards in an attempt to ward off the mutt. Squeals of pain sounded, and she heard the sounds of a retreating footsteps. Wiping the blood from her eyes, Crystal blanched as she realized the mutt was crouching in preparation to jump. I am not going to be a mutt tribute.

Taking a chance, Crystal's eyes darted to where she thought the mutt's heart was, and she forced herself to stay still long enough to aim the dagger. Her arm raised, the way it had hundreds of times before, and she threw the blade. It moved in slow motion, and even though she knew she should be running, Crystal couldn't tear her eyes away from it.

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