Hannibal Ad Portas | Voting

119 12 5

"Well, I suppose it's nice to know six tributes have already been knocked off in the initial Bloodbath. It's certainly nice to know that we didn't align sponsors for nothing. And now the Capitolites can get right to it...a shame though that two Careers have already passed on. To refresh you, however, those killed immediately are so named:

District One, Aidyl Desperado [-caduceus-];

District Two, Allion "Alpine" Lapine [lostwithmyfriends];  

District Three, Drake Byte [Loveisntfor_me];

District Five, Allora Nightfall [Lolwierdo];

District Six, Darius Hectare [WritingFandoms];

and District Nine, Wirrina Thrym [lostwithmyfriends]."


Hello one, hello all, to the first round of voting! As we've had six drop-outs or no-hand-in's, this means we have considerably less tributes up for votes, but voting nonetheless. Therefore, five tributes will be up for votes, and only two will die.          

Of the five lowest scores excluding Aidyl as he has dropped out, I have decided to use my Gamemaker Save this round to save Calliope Adoni-Zedek from voting. Therefore, only four will be up for votes.

VOTING WORKS BY PM'ING OR COMMENTING THE NAMES OF THOSE YOU WANT TO SEE ELIMINATED FROM THE GAMES. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. I use this method so it stays slightly truer to the mode and competition of these Games.

Those up for votes are...

District Eight, Tessa Fitzpatrick

District Ten, Nico Deacon  

District Twelve, Ember Lewins  

District Twelve,  Gabriel

Please vote for TWO NAMES (no more and no less) of who you want to see ELIMINATED. Votes may be sent either by PM or comments. 

Voting will close MARCH 9, 10PM GMT.

You may vote if you are up for votes.

The Third Annual Writer's Game: RootsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin