District Three Male | Drake Byte [Loveisntfor_me]

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Name: Drake Byte

Age: 15

Sex: Male

District: 3

Appearance: Drake is medium height. His hair a light shade of brown that goes over his forehead and almost reaches his melted chocolate eyes. His face was soft almost to innocent for the games. His button nose with freckles dotting it. His build skinny and almost nerdy. He was a nerd and wore glasses all because of District 3.

Personality: Drake is smart but can be dumb at times. His school of computer engineering making him scared for his life as if he dies in the games he will bring his family dishonor and they would kill them. His shyness obvious as he sits alone at lunch. His friend Becca knowing his cheeky, wired side. Drake likes the safe side of the world but hates the game, but what can he do? Because after all, there is nothing a fifteen year old can do...

Background: Drake's home wasn't naturally in Panem. It was on the outline of District Three where there was no laws, he lived with his father, mother and his sister Bella. Peace keepers came and toke the house down forcing me, my mum and Bella to live in town. My father being forced into working for the Capital. Drake wasn't ready for his new life as he was only twelve. The time that you were eligible for the games. Once he turned fourteen he went to the HighSchool of Computer Engineering where he found his new best friend Becca, or well his only friend. He wanted to win the games, if not for his life. For his father freedom.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths Drake was taught to spear fish when he was ten living on the outside. He then learnt to hunt with a spear and eventually becoming better at it. Drake also has a lot of bottled anger that has bubbled over the years. Revealing it during his practice, that stopping when he was forced into Panem. Intelligence over computing and strategic thinking from his hunting days and his new life.

Weaknesses: With anger come power and power will equal into insanity. Drake can run fast, but not that fast. His strength lacking in arm power. His least favorite weapon is a bow as he thinks they are old fashioned and useless when out of arrows.

Token: A white and silver spear badge his dad gave to him before the incident

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