District Ten Male | Nico Deacon [iamtheLAWtheREALone]

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Name: Nico Deacon

Age: 16

Sex: Male

District: 10


Nico is a pale boy, definitely pale by District 10 standards. Nico stands at an impressive 5'9, well for his age at least. He has soft brown hair and dark brown eyes. Though very well hidden, scars line his fragile, porcelain like skin. This is because he stays indoors as much as he possibly can.

Personality: Nico is very withdrawn and grim. He believes that he doesn't belong in this world, and that no one understands him. He is extremely socially awkward and shy when it comes to others. He simply cannot trust anyone. It's not that he doesn't want to, he can't. Fear and panic pierce his mind like arrows, he also has anxiety, which definitely doesn't help. So he keeps to himself, the only person he can really trust.

Background: Much of Nico's pain and darkness came from his abusive father. So in many ways, his death due to alcohol poisoning when Nico was eleven was a blessing. But each blessing always comes with a curse right? Nico and his mother Melissa now had no source of income at all, and with keeping there tiny house and living costs, Melissa had to take up three jobs in other to keep their family afloat. Nico also had to start working as soon as he was allowed. Slowly, Nico's mother became more and more withdrawn, and even though it was for the family's good, Nico faced his teenage years practically alone. Of course, Nico deeply appreciates his mother for all that she does for the family, and tries his hardest to pull his own weight in the struggling household. 

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths:Behind all the grim and darkness is actually a very intelligent boy. Even with all his work and struggles in terms of personal life, he still does exceptionally well in school. Working with livestock and all, he does know his way around knives and such. He can also very easily identify edible creatures in the wild. His long legs do assist him greatly with speed.

Weaknesses: Nico is not strong, physically or mentally. He can break down from his own thoughts alone, and don't even mention trying to duel an experienced tribute. He does not know anything about plants at all. Like mentioned before, he tries and stays indoors as much as possible. Most importantly, Nico fears his own mind...

Token: A cheap skull charm Nico's mom bought for his twelfth birthday, when the times were roughest for the small family. It may be cheap, but it's priceless to Nico.

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