District Six Male | Darius Hectare [WritingFandoms]

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Name: Darius Hectare

Age: Seventeen

Sex:  Male

District: Six

Appearance: A life of railroad work has enabled Darius to have a muscular build. He has a lean frame and a thick neck. At first one wouldn't notice the abnormality with his arms. Upon closer inspection, it's easy to detect the  differing length in his arms. His right arm stopped growing at age ten, rendering it useless. This abnormality was obtained in a childhood accident. True to his family name, Darius has an olive skin tone. His mop of hair is a tangle of curls, black as pitch. After working under the sun for as many years as he has, his lockes have grown course in texture. His eyes are a pleasant hazel. Scars and burns are flecked about his arms and legs, 'gifts' from working with trains.

Personality: Practical and diligent, Darius is a firm believer in hard work. Determination has always been part of his nature. With a no nonsense attitude, he excels at his job. Despite these qualities he has a prone weakness to change. Quite accustomed to familiarity, Darius isn't one to try something new. He isn't risky and tends to stick with what he knows. His sense of humor could be considered crude, but he does maintain a stable filter. He does not like associating with those he doesn't know, another quality that could be linked with his distaste of major change. Others lack of common sense or dullness would frustrate him. He has a sharp mind and an observant eye, traits he picked up with his work.

Background: Born on the railroad tracks that path the economy of District Six, one would an expect an ostrich to last longer in the games than this lad. Humor aside, Darius was literally born on the railroad tracks. His mother, a stubborn and stern woman, refused to stop working for the duration of her pregnancy. After giving birth, she decided she didn't like being pregnant at all. Furthermore, Darius's younger siblings were adopted: twins called Sylvie and Ezra. Growing up, he was taught that hard work and adaptability were essential factors to earning a living. Much of his childhood was spent by the train stations. He found himself fascinated with the way they worked. His fondness for the trains and machinery  made work interesting. Darius does love his job. His parents are similar in this aspect. The two of them are loving to their kids. At times, it seems they are far too invested in their work. Their effort has paid off as the Hectare family is modestly wealthy with a comfortable home and a sufficient food supply. Darius has lived a good life. The only grey area in his lifetime was the accident that rendered his right arm useless. Nerve damage stopped the growth. This incident triggered his fear of change and lack of adaptability.

Reaped: Before he was chosen, Darius lacked a personal tie to the games as he was the first in his family line to be selected.


1.) His biggest Strength would be his Determination. Darius would not give up easily.

2.) He has a sharp mind and an observant eye.

3.) Physically,  Darius is very strong.


1.) Lack of adaptability: Although hardworking, Darius has an extreme fear of change. This is a disadvantage when attempting to make allies or adapt to a new environment.

2.) His lack of physical beauty is something that will only harm him in the games. In a pool of beautiful people, Darius wouldn't get sponsored or gain much favour in thef Capitol.

3.) Lack of training: Darius has never undergone the intense training of the careers. He is inexperienced with weapons aside from a cleaver or a small hammer.

Token: Teas leaves as his mother would tell him a death game is no excuse not to have Tea.

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