Quarter Finals | Familia Supra Omnia

137 8 17

Family over everything.

"They've been in there a long time, have they not, Victinius?"

"Indeed they have, ma'am. Precisely six days, twelve hours, and thirty-three minutes. Would you like me to summon Mr. Dosque? I've also the names of the deceased:

District One's Crystal Caverly [wordsmith-]

And District Eleven's Therese Borde [josie-tee]."

"Yes, that shall be well. Send him in."

Florence Fanta's game were slowly coming to an end. Her hair had dulled from its bright orange, her clothes draped off her body. The public, it seemed, were becoming less enthusiastic. She was becoming tired. Games were tiring for everyone involved.

Hector walked in, and bowed. "Yes, Ms. Fanta?"

"As I have placed you in charge of mental tasks, I would like the tributes to get a taste of home. You may decide on the method, but be sure there's some...drama, if you know what I mean? I will not intervene, I entrust you with this task completely."

"Yes, Ms. Fanta. I know precisely what to do."



Welcome to the Family Task, and congratulations on making it to the Quarter Finals! Now's the time to step up your game. All scores from before no longer matter. Only the scores applied this time will count, though they will remain private. Instead, I will be giving public notes to each of you for this task and next task. I will then assign byes. THIS ROUND, four people will receive byes. The other four will be up for votes, and two will die, bringing us down to six. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or PM them.


Hector Dosque enjoys playing games. As such, your tribute will receive EITHER a letter OR a video message (both delivered via a floating sponsor box). Within the media, your tribute is greeted by a familiar face or writing of a loved one. Unfortunately, they do not have good news for you. Somewhere along the line of the letter or message, things go awry. It isn't just the tributes who are punished. Another loved one (or the loved one in the message or video), you are informed, has passed away without you being there. The reasons are up to you. This task is meant to bridge the gap between dramatics, action, and family. If you want to run an idea by me, I'd be more than happy to tell you whether or not that is acceptable. You are in charge of making this task your own. I'm looking for creativity and an emotional, realistic, response to the news. This loved one may also be an acquaintance or friend, but they must have had some impact on your tribute.






MAY 1, 2016 3AM GMT (that is April 30, 10PM ET.)

I will be away on a choir trip to Washington from the 22-26, and therefore will not be able to answer any questions.

ALSO IF EVERYONE gets their task in by the 21, 10PM GMT, I will post early, but otherwise, you have two weeks to complete this, and therefore, no extensions will be granted.

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