District Two Female | Hermia Palentinius [ariel-lannister]

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Name: Hermia Palentinius

Age: Eighteen

Sex: Female

District: Two

Description: Hermia is no doubt beautiful, if in an unkempt way which might almost be described as wild. Her body is long and lean, muscled in ways that, when mixed with her constant eye makeup (the only luxury she allows herself) make her look as striking and intimidating as she is pretty. Her skin is of an alabaster colour, and both her nose and mouth seem small and almost fragile, but the aspect of her appearance which stands out most is her hair. Since blonde is not a common colour in Two, the sea of brunettes which she knows have teased Hermia for about as long as she can remember. The fact that her hair refuses to stay ordered in any way also makes her a bit different from others in her district.

Personality: Though she doubtlessly shares the determination and strong mind-frame of others from Two, Hermia is definitely more outspoken than most. Brash and harsh, she only speaks the truth - particularly when those around her don't want to hear it. She is clever to a fault and often reminds others of this, causing more than a fair share of resentment to be directed her way. Though Hermia considers herself to be a loyal person, she has yet to meet someone whom she sees as an equal and worthy of said loyalty, and so thinks of others as disposable. Hermia also speaks sarcasm fluently.

Background: From her childhood, Hermia found herself surrounded by people who she deemed considerably less than perfect. Her father left shortly after her birth and her mother, though loving, is often absent due to the necessities of her work as a trainer. Due to the absence of their parents, Hermia grew considerably closer to her older brother, Laertes, who, at aged seventeen, was selected for the Games and died, even though he had promised her he would return. Hermia took this as a sign that he was imperfect and unworthy of her love and so showed few signs of any sorrow, rather burying herself in her training to ensure that she would not find herself in the same position.



Trained; Hermia is a highly competent tribute and can kill with a variety of weapons. Surely, this is a plus.

Intelligent; this should help Hermia avoid infections or other stupid deaths like the one that take so many Careers. Honestly, you'd think they'd learn at some point.

Dedicated; Hermia does not waver.


Overconfident; Hermia far overrated her own alleged perfection and underrates others, which could definitely cause her trouble.

Show-off; it is likely that Hermia would try to make a kill far too elaborate and get caught in her own trap.

Unlikeable; and by that I mean hated by most.

Token: Eyeliner; the only thing she's ever bothered to need.

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