Task One : Ab Initio

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In the beginning...

Murmurs echoed across Panem for days. Before the tributes were reaped, before the victor was to be drawn from among thousands of slips, before the gong rang bright over the carefully planned arena, there were conversations. Betting matters spoken in hushed tones in quiet alleyways, yells over dinner in a Capitol household, murmurs over a fresh face to be entered. In the beginning, everything was simple.

"The Games have not even began yet but I can see some promising faces. And imagine! Not a kiddo under fifteen...I suppose the citizens won't be that happy that we don't have some underdogs to root for, but those weaker tributes with nice little stories will have to do, don't you agree, Hector?" Florence Fanta said, her face obscured by a large book on the history of the Games.

The Gamemakers lounged in a newly-installed conference room. Only large enough for several people of the highest importance, it resembled a plush and expensive sitting room, bookshelves filled with manuals on everything needed for the Games lining the walls, the slightest call to a certified Avox would have a book on the niche of 'Worm Muttations During the Reign of Desquartes' in hand within thirty seconds. Today, however, it was filled by murmuring Gamemakers, all but Fanta poring over spreadsheets and outlines with suppressed curiosity.

"Oh yes, Ms. Fanta. They will do quite well. After all, not a single tribute has won the Games since little Adeline Walters won at the age of thirteen back during the 98th. And at that it was only because the control team could not find a way to coax her from her hiding spot. Mr. Octonis was swiftly dismissed, I am sure you have read."

Florence nodded her approval, though he could not see it from behind her book. After a moment, Florence set it down on an oak table beside her, standing up so quickly that her pale orange dress swished against her legs. "Well, let's see. We don't want our tributes too shaken before the Games. Victinius, I am setting you in charge of keeping an eye on them. And Hector, get as much information on their family, life, hobbies, habits...anything that is even remotely important to them, and report back to me in 1800 hours."

"You got it."


Welcome to the first task of Writer's Game: Roots! This task will be the task to determine sponsorships, so make sure to impress!


- You've got literally full-reign on this. Do not expect this often. This is in order to see what exactly you choose, and how you write such a scenario. Also, as this determines sponsorships, I always like to see what you think you write best, so go wild! (Or not too wild, nothing too unrealistic!) Examples of what you may write your task on/about: the reaping, the train ride, the training, the interview, the parade, or any bit in between such events. I will be looking for characterization especially in this task. THE TIME PERIOD FOR THIS ENTRY SHOULD BE between the day of the reaping up to the night before the Games.

[Ara Ursa will be conducting interviews. All Gamemakers are present during the parade. Training is conducted by a person named Siquintus Marlin. The rest is up to you.]


- None. Penalties due to ballots/kills will begin during the second task, and the implementation will be during the third task.


- No word limit. I personally write the most during the first task, so I shouldn't hinder you...at least for now. But I would recommend keeping it reasonable and under 2,500.



You will be receiving notes this task. 

Entries are marked out of 12. 

Please send all entries to magmakepner(at symbol)hotmail.com

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