District Three Female | Paige Chromadell [Soft_Serve7]

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Name: Paige Chromadell

Age: 17

Sex: Female

District: 3, Technology

Appearance: Paige is by far one of the prettiest girls in District 3. Her thick hair is a dark brown colour with beautiful streaks of bronze running through it as it curls around her. Her ashen skin is common in her home District and it matches her icy blue eyes, that are passed from her father, that are almost metallic in colour. Keeping a petite look, Paige is quite small for her age, she scrapes in at about 5'3 and looks as though she could float away in the wind. She has a petite nose and thin pink lips, which often hide her perfect teeth, giving her an overall pretty face.

Personality: Her laugh is the thing that makes people fall in love with her. She hangs out with rather shallow but intelligent people as she is the daughter of a wealthy family. She knows how to act in public but off the radar Paige studies and is quite untamed. She is curious, and loves to study plants, emotions and, of course, technology. Paige is far from naïve and silly – she is a listener because she likes to have the upper-hand and hates to get beaten. Her intelligent mind leads her to daydream quite a lot however she is still a people's person – thrusting her into a hot situation might change that quickly though. Paige is easily overwhelmed but definitely isn't afraid to get dirty.

Background: Paige has led a comfortable lifestyle, seeing as her father is the Mayor's deputy but it doesn't make her untouchable. As one of the richer families, Paige is often despised but she gets through it easily by matching herself to higher up people. As the favourite daughter, Paige often received unwanted attention but knows the importance of keeping up appearance: just ask her dead mother. Her elder sister, Assiri aged 22, and Paige have a close relationship ever since they were suspected witnesses of their mother's death twelve years ago. Paige occupies herself in her studies, midway through her attempt in designing a programme that will help her in biochemistry and designing medicinal equipment – along with the help of Assiri who is a practicing chemist.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths: Paige is intelligent and knows plants very well, she also knows first aid meaning she could easily care for herself and her agile build means she could hide well. She'll probably go by unnoticed, seeing as her District is underrated as most will see her as a bubbly rich kid.

Weaknesses: Paige is distracted by the world around her and, despite her mother's death, might not be able to handle the harsh side of the Hunger Games. Her wealthy upbringing might mean that she isn't used to living it tough and Paige also isn't very athletic.

Token: Paige sees sentimental attachments as being unnecessary. 

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