Task Six | Cogito Ergo Sum

149 9 30

I think, therefore I am.

"Ms. Fanta, there's only ten left! Is there anything I can do? Anything at all..." said Ara Ursa, her bright locks in a shade of ever-changing hues.

"No, no, everything's working fine. Just a bit disappointing. I was hoping some of them would give us something to work with. Once we get to tomorrow, it should get more exciting. Victinius, send out the names of the dead."

"Yes, ma'am. Outgoing are the names of:

District Ten Female, Calliope Adoni-Zedek [ImpossiblyFiery]

And District Twelve Female, Ember Lewins [Clove_Thenardier]."

"You know, it's a shame. Ms. Lewins was always very consistent. I appreciated it. And Ms. Adoni-Zedek had good things going for her. Regardless, after the tumultuous happenings of yesterday evening, I think it's time for a bit of a rest. I want to see how they react, what they do. Oh, and just send a little something-something down, just for generosity."



As always, after the storm comes peace. Your tribute wakes and the alliances can be broken. You may, though, choose to remain with your partner if you wish. This is essentially a free-reign task. I want to see how you choose to write a day, what sort of techniques you use, etc. AS WELL, when your tribute wakes, they find a gift from a sponsor in front of them. This can be something very small, to something relatively important, such as medicine, though I'm looking for a reasonable explanation and realistic interpretation of what your tribute might receive.

The river has receded, most tributes have lost their supplies, and the finals are drawing ever closer. Write to impress. The arena is also strewn with plenty of wreckage, so be wary of walking too close over logs, as there could be animals, mutts, or worse, lurking within. Just some ideas to keep it fresh!


The alliance of PAIGE CHROMADELL and CRYSTAL CAVERLY, as you received the highest ballots, your tributes will wake up together. The alliance may be broken thereafter. But, the twist: there will only be ONE sponsor gift waiting. Not very exciting, but I want to see the reactions of your two characters when only one gift to ONE tribute is received. Make of that what you will.


As next task is Quarters, and next task will mark the beginning of byes, there will be NO MORE BALLOTS. Congratulations to those who weren't the victim of the (mediocre and hardly difficult ;) ) ballot challenges.




Saturday April 16, 10PM GMT.

The Third Annual Writer's Game: RootsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz