District Five Female | Allora Nightfall [Lolwierdo]

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Name: Allora Nightfall

Age: 17

Sex: Female

District: 5

Appearance: Allora Nightfall is extremely short for her age, frustratingly stuck halfway between 4'10" and 4'11". Her skin is a natural ivory color, though it has been tanned in certain areas from her childhood of playing outdoors. Her hair is black, dark as night even when the sun is at it's brightest, and the few who notice question it's authenticity. Her eyes are a mixture of blue and gray, though her two friends often argue on the color. Her beauty is subtle, and hard to find, but once you've found it, it's hard to miss again.

Personality: Allora is quiet, and has always been. She doesn't notice, or know why, but if she had to guess she would say it's because her friends are too loud. She only has two friends, both of which have been with her from childhood. They've been the only two she's ever had, as she'd not especially proficient in social ways. She is not extremely intelligent in anything, or especially skilled, but she thinks differently. Her ideas are creative, and never what anyone expects. She is not someone to finish things 'till the end, preferring to try something else before she has mastered the first task. She is kind, regardless of who the person is, but she is not bold or brave. She wouldn't help a person being bullied (even if she wants to), instead waiting until the bullies have left before comforting the victim.

Background: She's a single child, which might be another reason that Allora is so reserved. Her family is not poor, but neither are they rich. She has a basic education. She has spent more time with her friends rather than her family. Because she only has two, she adores them both. One is Arix Skye, a cunning male who jokes around often and makes it a point to tease her any chance her gets. Arix enjoys provoking people and picking fights, even if he loses in the end. The other is Xander Jemny, a loud male who many find annoying. However, there's no denying his athletic ability. He would fight a losing battle to the end. Allora's childhood consists of memories of events that Xander and Arix have dragged her into.

Reaped/Volunteer: Reaped

Strengths: She is intelligent and thinks outside of the box, and has unknowingly honed her ability to read people through years of practice. It's unlikely that she'll be noticed or targeted early on, as she's always blended into the crowd. She's patient, and doesn't get angered easily. She'll calmly observe before making a decision. She has fast reflexes due to her days of dodging Xander's and Arix's fights. She's picked up a few things with technology from her district as well.

Weaknesses: She's physically weak, and can't fight well at close quarters. She's also kind, a weakness in these games. She can't bring herself to kill or poison anyone. If she wins it will be because of pure luck.

Token: A bracelet with her name on it. It matches Arix's piercing and Xander's necklace. 

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