Task Four | Auribus Teneo Lupum

226 11 27

Holding a wolf by its ears. [Ancient Proverb]

"Three exact groups of five. Placing the three who disappeared for a moment into the remaining spots was brilliant, Victinius. The world does not play in chance or coincidence. Fives and threes, fives and threes, I am appreciating the subtle beauty in this. It is perfect," said Florence Fanta, who was doodling equations and numbers on her notepad as she spoke and directed the holoscreen in front of her with her other hand.

"I am glad you appreciate it, Ms. Fanta. As requested, the Capitol Board has been updated to reveal the name of District Two's Hermia Palentinius as the only casualty of the day."

"Yes, well, I've quite moved on from that kerfuffle, though in some of my other rings I've had their sponsors drop or lose investments made to me. Of course I'm not pleased, but you know, just...deep breaths. Not only that, but I seem to keep forgetting the minutiae of these Games. My mind has never been one for many things," she says, as she fiddles with her pen and scans the screen, "most especially faces of the dead. I'm not cut out for this. But..." She sighed, and rubbed her eyes behind her reading glasses—orange, of course.

Hector Dosque appeared at the doorway of her reading room just then, peeking in as he called to the two other Gamemakers, "The mutts are ready."

Florence murmured her assent to release them. "And Hector, before you go—you're sure there's five in each area? It's important things are even, you know."

"Yes, yes, Ms. Fanta. I've got them all separated. But by the end, I'll be sure they all end up together, once the death toll comes in. And then tomorrow we've got—"

"Now, now, Hector, don't be spoiling it for everyone."

Florence Fanta turned her attention back to her holoscreen, her hand drawing circles on a page otherwise filled with illegible markings.



Isn't it lovely when numbers match up perfectly? Five of you decided to choose going towards the trees, three towards the water, and four towards the ground (which, how wonderful, is just another bit of number that line up to the twelve tributes we'll have at the end of this task! Good golly, isn't this just so exciting?). The three people who did not hand in were divvied up accordingly into their own sections.

Each group has made their decision about where to go, but then what? Each group has a specific muttation designed specifically for each group.. Your tribute must face the creature[s] and your entry should focus around either trying to kill it, or outrunning it.


You may continue to work with those who are in different sections, but your area must be the focus of your entry.


District Nine; Follin Ryme [shaytree]

District Four; Eton Morgan [Squad53]

District Three; Paige Chromadell [Soft_Serve7]

District Four; Jaqueline Ecclestone [WhovianHorseLover]

District Ten; Nico Deacon [iamtheLAWtheREALone]

TREES MUTTATION: Tracker Jackers are some of the most common muttations found in the Games. They reside in trees and hide away in branches. Their nests can grow to as big as five feet around. The Jackers themselves are mutated, large wasp-like creatures distinguished by the large golden figure-eight on their backs, but if you can see their backs, it's probably too late. Get too close or disturb the nest, and they immediately track and hone in on you. The nest swarms you and their stings contain powerful hallucinatory effects as well as immobilizing your body. Good luck outrunning them, but if you submerge yourself in water or otherwise distract the swarm with another prey, they will no longer track you. Treatment is a simple salve made from leaves, but be warned: the treatment is simple, but few survive numerous stings; Tracker Jackers don't like to leave loose ends. Those in this section must encounter these creatures. Nothing else is required besides the final requirement above.


District One; Crystal Caverly [wordsmith-]

District Seven; Aspen Summers [TheShineOfTheMoon]

District Eight; Roscoe Wayland [TheDarkHorse]

District Ten; Calliope Adoni-Zedek [ImpossiblyFiery]

District Six; Valentine Oceanfall [Frostlapse]

GROUND MUTTATION: The newly designed mutt is called a Moonsky. They are wolf-like creatures that prowl the ground in search for prey. It can smell and track its prey for several kilometres. It is about four feet in length and it has the ability to leap a distance of ten feet and jump three feet into the air. They are mangly, grotesque creature whose snout is replaced with rotting jaw, though do not be deceived: though it's jaw looks unuseable, a single bite results in paralysis and if one manages to survive it, it induces vomiting soon after. Their main weakness is their eyesight: if one can hide their scent, the Moonsky can only see at night, which may be helpful. Also, a hint: water washes away scent. Treatment is moss with Elderberries, but few know the remedy as the Moonsky is completely new to the Games. Those in this section must encounter these creatures. Nothing else is required besides the final requirement above.


District Twelve; Ember Lewins [Clove_Thenardier]

District Five; Leo Tolstoy [katniss-everdeen]

District Eleven; Jeffrey R. Beers [Clara-impossible]

District Seven; Redwood Acres [AverageEverydayHero]

District Eleven; Therese Borde [josie-tee]

WATER MUTTATION: Congratulations, you've already completed the last portion of the task! Unfortunately, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone willing to stay near the water after an encounter with the Screms. A screm, or screms as they hunt in packs, are leech-like creatures that move along the shores, muddy areas, and the water itself. They are four inches long and often travel in schools of twenty, but sometimes up to eighty. They too swarm when finding prey, and their diet usually consists of fish, but they hibernate at this time of year, meaning they're looking for some large meat. They are capable of taking down a horse with just fifteen of the. Their mouths are suckers on the bottom of their bodies, and they are grey-green in appearance, and very slimy. Once they latch on to your body, you feel an excruciating sensation of pain, and each leech can suck as much as several pints of blood from you, growing in size to a hefty three inches around, when they promptly fall off for another leech to take over. If you are subjected to their unfortunate wrath, the only alleviation is sap from the trees along the banks of the river, or moving into faster rapids, where they cannot swim well enough to keep against the current. They induce a euphoric sense, by the way, once they've finished sucking some blood, so watch out. You must remain or end up back at the water, though you, like the others, are free to roam about in your entry. These are also completely new to the arena and as such no one knows much about them.



Eton Morgan, as you received the top ballots with FOUR, you will be required to lose any and all supplies, weapons, etc. when fleeing from the Tracker Jackers, and you must be injured in some way by the end of the task. Easy!

Leo Tolstoy, as you received the second-most ballots with THREE, you must obtain some sort of injury. Feel grateful I have decided this task to be lenient.



One ballot. The tribute who receives the most ballots will be the only one chosen for the Ballot Challenge.

In-entry deaths are encouraged but will not count towards death totals.




MARCH 28, 5PM ET (note the time change. Things will now be running in Eastern Time/Eastern Standard Time whatever it is now. Plan accordingly.)

The Third Annual Writer's Game: RootsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz