District Four Male | Eton Morgan [Squad53]

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Name: Eton Morgan

Age: 17

Sex: Male

District: Four

Appearance: With eyes the color of the sea he so often works in, and hair the color of the sandy beach, one could not doubt that Eton is from four. His arms are muscle bound from hauling in loads of fish day after day. His skin is permanently tanned, and quite often burned, from his harsh work hours all spent in the sun. He is built and brought up to be a career, tall and athletic, working and training in everything he could possible get his hands on. However, no one could think of Eton as intimidating, with his piercing eyes always staring off into space.

Personality: Despite being brought up to be a career in every way, shape, and form, nothing his parents did could control his mind. Having every battlefield tactic drilled into his brain and his parents already planning out his training, no one could control his mind. His mind drifts and flits about, and he is never fully focused on anything, except for art. He is never fully there in his lessons or in school, instead he is daydreaming or already planning out his next art project. Art is his passion, and is the only way to describe his personality. He is abstract, different from the rest of district four. Yes, he is compliant, and listens to what his superiors tells him to do, but his mind is always five steps ahead, running through what he is going to do after the assignment is over.

Background: Growing up in a family will a background of victors, Eton was always expected to win the Hunger Games as soon as he was trained. Being the only son and eldest child, there was no way he could hope to get out of the massive heaps of training that was lain upon him, the many hours of knot tying and trident-wielding. But somehow, between his training and daily work, Eton managed to discover a passion for art. He paints during any free time he has, often waking up early and going to bed late just to finish what he has started. His painting ruined his honor, at least in his families eyes, and they doubled his training, trying to get him to stop. But nothing they could do could change Eton's love of art and painting. So, his parents did the only thing they could, force him to volunteer. He would either die, and never paint again, or train and regain his honor, allowing him to paint once again upon his return.

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Strengths: Art can come in handy when a disguise or cover is needed, even if it is ignored by the other fisherman. His fast-paced mind can quickly play scenarios out in his head, and can advise people whether or not to go through with a plan. Also, having been brought up as a career, he is skilled in knot-tying, various weaponry, and battlefield strategy.

Weaknesses: Because of the fact that he isn't proper career material, he could have some trouble gaining the other careers' respect and trust. Along with this, an aloof mind can cause many problems in the heat of battle.

Token: His paintbrush: the rest of the materials needed for a masterpiece can be found in nature.

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