Finals | Veni Vidi Vici

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I came, I saw, I conquered.

"They've done well. My predictions were mostly correct, but as always there was one or two that surprised me each day. A shame to see them go, but we can only take the four who demonstrate courage, bravery, and, most of all, public interest. Unfortunately, everyone yesterday demonstrated those skills with finesse, but alas, it is only those deemed fittest by our citizens that may move on."

It has come to the end of the games. Florence Fanta, for once in the several weeks leading up to now, is content. Everything went to plan. Everything seemed to finally be going smoothly. Maybe she could handle doing these Games, maybe she had proved to herself she was capable, so long as the tributes were.

For the last time, Victinius, Hector, and Florence sit around the room that had been their refuge. Away from the conference meetings, the library study was now strewn haphazardly with papers—ideas and plans that never got off the ground, crumpled maps and blueprints that were never shipped off to the control room. Florence sits with a glass of champagne in her hand, sparkling orange with an infusion of fruit and berry.

"I agree, and I told you from the start, Ms. Fanta, that you would always succeed," said Victinius, He looked over a sheet of paper, identical to the ones Florence and Hector both had. "But we mustn't delay what is to be inevitable. Send out the names, and get the tributes ready for a final fight."

Hector nodded. "The final list of the dead are District Seven, Aspen Summers [TheShineOfTheMoon], and District Eleven's Jeffrey R. Beers [Clara-impossible]. This means the four finalists are:

District Four, Jacqueline "Jackie" Ecclestone,

District Five, Leo Tolstoy,

District Eight, Roscoe Wayland, and

District Nine, Follin Ryme."

"Let's see what they've got.


A huge congratulations to our four finalists! To those who were eliminated, it was an absolute pleasure having you and watching as your writing and characters developed and grow. Saying that, to our four finalists, now is the time you've been waiting for. It's the final day, it's the final battle.


As someone who hates finals tasks where I can't have the ending I want for my character, I would not do that to you. Therefore, all I'm setting forth are some parameters you MUST follow. Everything else is up to you.

YOU MUST: include some sort of reference to the moment in which your tribute was fighting the final battle. The timespan you are allowed to write within is from when the final battle commences, to any moment in time after that. You may write as soon as to when they may be on the hovercraft home, all the way up to their dying days, but a memory or entry based around the final battle must be present. Note the ambiguity in 'reference to fighting the final battle', as you may, if you wish, choose to have your character die without becoming victor, though this obviously won't affect your chance at winning these Games. But the world is your oyster, unless you're from anywhere besides District Four. Enjoy, and remember, I will not be judging these entries, the public will. Voting rules will come after the entries are posted. For a final time, may the odds be ever in your favor.




As many as you wish, though as there must be a memory included, at least one would be implied.


Saturday, May 14, 10PM EST [PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE. Once again, I'm gone for most of the weekend rehearsing stuff for choir, so I will be posting them on the Saturday in the late evening.]

If you have any questions or want to run an idea by me (as I no longer am judging them), feel free to PM or comment them :)

and again, may the odds be ever in your favour.

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