District Nine Male | Follin Ryme [shaytree]

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Name: Follin Ryme (Fall-in  Rhyme)

Age: 16

Sex: Male

District: Nine; (Grain)

Appearance: When people are asked to describe Follin, they call him lanky - ninety-nine point nine percent of the time it's just a given. It's this lankiness that contributes to his almost unbelievable clumsiness, leading to many issues throughout the district. His skin is fair and burns easy, but over the years of working out in the sun he's retained a slight tan. Freckles dot his cheeks and nose, and his brows sit questioningly above a set of pale blue eyes, eyes that seem to waver whenever he looks at someone directly. A mass of dark brown hair sits atop his head, fitting around large ears. He's constantly seen squinting above a set of dark circles.

Personality: Once more, Follin is a clumsy boy, constantly tripping when there's nothing to trip over, always at the scene of broken objects even if he'd never thought of touching them. Others are often wary of him, and if they can, they keep their distance. This has made him a quiet boy, and he's picked up a stutter from being so reclusive. Still, he feels it'd be nice to have a companion to confide in, someone to go on wild adventures with and stir up trouble - on purpose, not accidentally like he's always done. He upholds a strong sense of morals and puts others before himself, sometimes causing damage to himself in the process. His main plan for the games: don't trip and land on a knife.

Background: Nothing much to be said about Follin's life, as it has been incredibly dull. He hates to think of it in such a way, but the repeats of day-to-day life have gotten annoying, and though he denies it, he wishes drought would come to destroy the crop, he wishes the dams would break and flood the fields, he wishes for something, anything to spice life up. He lives with his single mother, currently pregnant with another child (he's convinced she continues to see his father even though he's abandoned them), his mother's boyfriend (whom he wishes would get caught in one of those floods he so fantasizes about), and a little brother, Finny. There's only one thing really worth mentioning: he's recently found a little den containing dozens of notes, and each day he writes something up and slips it in there, receiving notes in return the next morning. He's reluctant to leave this behind.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths: Despite his clumsiness, he's got an affinity for throwing things very far, and very fast. Even though he's only tried it a few times, and hated it each and every time, he can tell a convincing lie and get away with it. He's also the sort to approach others if he needs something, not waiting back in the shadows even though he keeps quiet. Help is help, and without it, he will suffer.

Weaknesses: Again with the clumsiness - can't swing a sword or run in a straight line worth his life. It's only natural that some injuries would result from these constant mess-ups, and he seems to always be limping, another thing that hinders both his running and ability to keep quiet. Can't climb, can't swim, can't do much other than walk, throw things, and try to duck.

Token: He's bringing in a necklace with the charm of an hourglass hanging at the bottom. It came with one of the notes.

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