District Eight Female | Tessa Fitzpatrick [rushofjoy]

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Name: Tessa Fitzpatrick

Age: 15

Sex: Female

District: 8

Appearance: She's taller than some girls her age at 5'8". Her short brown hair barely gets past her ears and is jagged from cutting it herself. Tessa has chocolate brown eyes and her skin is pale from days spent indoors. She's not particularly muscular and is also a bit skinny. Tessa wouldn't call herself pretty, but there is a certain grace about her that cannot be ignored.

Personality: Tessa is a charming and loyal girl. She isn't stern or strict; rather, she's quite the opposite. She's kind and sensitive. However, she is also very solitary and secretive. It's harder for her to make allies and she thinks to herself most of the time rather than talking to others. If one gets past her shell and becomes her friend, she might open up and show her true emotions, but don't count on it. On the bright side, though, she is moderately intelligent from her few years of schooling and won't fall into traps so easily.

Background: Tessa had a quiet childhood for the first few years of her life. She is the second child of Timothy and Raquel Fitzpatrick. Her parents tried desperately to shield their daughter from the horrors of the Games, but she was eventually exposed when her brother was first entered into the Reaping at 12. He wasn't picked, but his friend was. He insisted on watching every second and forced Tessa to watch too. The horror of seeing people she knew be brutally killed shattered some of her innocence. Although she went to school, her parents eventually could not support her education and she was forced to work at a factory when she turned 14. The long hours making dresses were grueling, but Tessa dealt with it.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths: She has a lot of stamina from working long hours at the factory and is very agile. If she does make any friends, she is especially loyal and would never betray them. Her time at the sewing machine has also made her a quick and efficient worker who might be good a wielding a bow.

Weaknesses: She doesn't trust easily. Even if someone is trying to help her, she might dismiss it as a trick. She can't handle cumbersome weapons due to her lack of strength. Also, due to her trust issues, she might be impulsive and kill someone who is harmless just based on her feelings about them.

Token: A sapphire blue pendant that's been in her family for generations

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