District Seven Male | Redwood "Red" Acres [AverageEverydayHero]

107 9 16

Name: Redwood "'Red" Acres

Age: 17

Sex: Male

District: 7

Appearance: Red is graced with beautiful brown hair that has golden tints, and dark cloudy grey eyes that are never revealing, and go well with his ivory skin tone. Along with this comes his thick brown eyebrows and chiseled facial features that are followed by a cute dimple on his chin that adds an extra charm. He's also relatively tall, nearing at 6'0, and has an athletic physique that consists of a good sum of upper muscular strength.

Personality: Despite what his physique might tell you, Red is actually a person who is very fearful and gets startled really easily. Sneaking up on him or even loud noises will make him jump out of his skin, and he frequently gets nervous whenever he's out in the open all alone. His fears aren't of being out in the open alone, but what happens when he's in such a vulnerable position. On occasions when he's not alone, he's actually quite the people person. Generally, he enjoys the company of most, and can be a social butterfly who is remarkably outgoing and friendly with most people he meets. He recognizes a good quality in everyone, although admittedly, this can make him a little bit naive with a sometimes bad judgement on others.

Background: Red is living in what's to be considered the usual District 7 household. He lives in a middle class family with his father as a furniture builder, his mother as a housewife, and an older brother, Cedar, who is now a lumberjack. His childhood wasn't particularly unusual, as like many District 7 residents, he learned from a very young age how to use and throw an ax and other cutting tools, as well as how to climb trees efficiently. His father often brought him out to the woods to learn these skills, and more often than not he aided his father and his father's friends in chopping up wood to use for furniture as well as helping assemble wooden chairs and tables in any way that he could. However, it wasn't always his father that brought him out to the woods, since his older brother did too, though those times never being pleasant. Whenever Cedar brought Red into the woods it was always at night and it was never to actually do anything productive, but rather to prank Red and scare him out of his mind. These pranks always resulted in tears being shed, and sometimes in injury by how dangerous the pranks could be. Nevertheless, Red still loves Cedar, despite the scared and nervous tendencies he now has from those experiences.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths: Red is experienced in using an ax and other cutting tools, and could put that experience to good use when he's prepared and ready (these skills go to waste if he's startled).He's also a great climber, which is probably one of his greatest skills and the skill he'll use most if presented the opportunity. Not to mention, he has a great deal of upper muscular strength, and good social skills which are always useful.

Weaknesses: Red gets frightened fairly easily, in which case he'll either hide in a tree or whatever's around or he'll attempt to flee on foot which isn't the brightest. He's reliant on strength rather than agility, so he won't get very far very fast when running, and he'll be in a really vulnerable position. He also flinches a lot, thus it's not unlikely that he would flinch in the middle of a fight.

Token: A petrified wood chip

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