Hannibal Ad Portas | Rankings

120 11 5

Tributes who have dropped out previously are included in this chapter solely for the purpose of ease of collection. This will not occur next round.


1. District Four; Jacqueline "Jackie" Ecclestone - 24

2. District Two; Hermia Palentinius - 23

2. District Five; Leo Tolstoy - 23

4. District Nine; Follin Ryme - 22

5. District Seven; Redwood "Red" Acres - 21

6. District Seven; Aspen Summers - 19

7. District Four; Eton Morgan - 18

7. District Eight; Roscoe Wayland - 18

7. District Three; Paige Chromadell  - 18

7. District Six; Valentine Oceanfall - 18

11. District Eleven; Therese "Tess" Borde - 17

11. District Eleven; Jeffrey R. Beers - 17

13. District One; Crystal Caverly 16

14. District Ten; Nico Deacon - 14

14. District Twelve; Ember Lewins - 14

16. District Ten; Calliope Adoni-Zedek - 9

17. District One; Aidyl Desperado - 8

17. District Eight; Tessa Fitzpatrick - 8

19. District Twelve; Gabriel - 5

20. District Five; Allora Nightfall - DEAD

20. District Six; Darius Hectare - DEAD

22. District Three; Drake Byte - DEAD

23. District Two; Allion "Alpine" Lapine - DEAD

23. District Nine; Wirrina Thrym - DEAD

VOTING WILL BE UP TOMORROW AT 10 GMT. THREE WILL BE ELIMINATED. Until then, goodnight to you citizens of Panem.

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