Semi Finals | Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

128 7 31

Out of nothing, nothing comes.

"Life is such a fickle thing, is it not? We draw so close to the end of another year, and yet as I watch these tributes, once more the fragility of our system comes to my mind. How easy it is to manipulate, how easy it is to dismantle by private affairs. There's talks of secret sponsor groups that adversely affect the outcome we have so carefully planned, and yet we can do nothing but watch. Our men can do nothing, cannot arrest nor detain them."

"There is always something that can be done, Ms. Fanta. If it was not yesterday, it shall be today, and if not today, then tomorrow shall be the one where we finally set things straight." Victinius sat, a black mug of brown coffee in hand, at the large table that seated only he and Florence.

"It draws nearer, as I said. We've had two deaths since yesterday evening:

District Three, Paige Chromadell [Soft_Serve7]

and District Six's Valentine Oceanfall [Frostlapse].

The remaining tributes are strong. Nearly all have shown their worth, and all have shown their resourcefulness. But it is time to prepare for battle."

Daybreak in the arena shines with an array of colour. The air is crisp. Leaves litter the ground. One more day.



Welcome to semifinals! Every one of you has shown yourselves to be fantastic or resourceful writers. There is one more day until the final battle. Your tribute may or may not know this, but what they do know is that the arena has settled, and they are out of supplies. They decide to venture back to where they believe they once were on the first day: the cornucopia. They know dangers lurk, hidden away, they knows tributes could be anywhere, waiting to strike. But still, they move onwards, venturing closer and closer to the final battle. However, everything within the entry is up to you and how you want your character developed. Examples include flashbacks, dreams, etc. so long as they are on a journey to the cornucopia.


This is also a song task! Yay! Each tribute will be provided a song in which they must base their entry around. Songs will be provided below. Once again, cumulative scores no longer matter, but instead there will be TWO byes, so be sure to impress. The remaining four will be up for votes, two will perish, and we will have our final four for the final task.




Yes, each song is instrumental. Please, don't complain too much. These also happen to my favourite instrumental tracks of all time, so have fun with writing to the music and know that I am prepared to give my life for these songs.

District Four, Jacqueline Ecclestone – Only the Winds [Olafur Arnolds]

District Five, Leo Tolstoy – Eric's Grief / The Bleeds [True Blood OST]

District Seven, Aspen Summers – Elizabeth [Bioshock Infinite OST]

District Eight, Roscoe Wayland – Saving Josh [Trevor Morris]

District Nine, Follin Ryme – Aurora [Hans Zimmer]

District Eleven, Jeffrey R. Beers – Snitch [Antonio Pinto, Snitch OST]

If you really hate your song, which you shouldn't and I will cry because every one of these are my literal favourites, you have the choice to switch out to the following two songs. First come, first serve.


Embers, Max Richter

Cornfield Chase, Hans Zimmer, Interstellar OST


Saturday, May 7, 10PM GMT.

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