District Nine Female | Wirrina Thrym [lostwithmyfriends]

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Name: Wirrina Thrym

Age: 16

Sex: Female

District: Nine; 9 (Grain)

Appearance: Wirrina has solid blonde hair, traced with a natural brown that darkens based on the intensity of light. Her frame is thin, extremely thin, but her wingspan is somewhat large. What most would say disproportionate is what she calls advantageous. With perfectly average height, hands, but below normal weight, Wirrina has no problem with self-image. Her facial features are structurally sound and backed by pale skin, letting the color of her lips and eyes draw attention.

Personality: Wirrina is clever, but egotistical when it comes to that kind of intelligence. She often uses a strong vocabulary incorrectly, just to see who will know enough to correct her. She is one to stand tall during times of humiliation, letting the aftershocks affect when alone. There is no fear when it comes to interaction and conversation, though this causes her to sometimes speak too much. But, she isn't one to push away silence, either, sufficient in both sound and lack thereof. Wirrina can react with hints of needing control, like she desires to be a monarch.

Background: Wirrina is the oldest of three, and arguably the superlative of most adjectives. Smartest, most responsible, even the prettiest- the middle child is only thirteen, however, so the last one is uncontested. There is a lot of dependence on her, so much to where she is often overwhelmed. Many knots have become undone because she was simply unable to uphold her promises- she remembers every single broken vow. Her parents aren't absent, only absent-minded, and her younger siblings never go to them for aid. They go to Wirrina.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths: Wirrina is aware of her limits, and how far past them she can go. Her cleverness with language extends to action. She is able to maneuver through situations with a finesse that detracts danger and saves her. Loss is something she handles well, too, but only when she's already distraught.

Weaknesses: She is physically weak. So much time was spent elsewhere, that there was never any thought to train for Games she never dreamed of being a part of. She also tends to demand order, power, and control, in an endearing and not tyrant-like way. Thought process and insomnia keep her up at night, disallowing sleep and forcing a tolerance for yawns.

Token: None. 

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