District Twelve Male | Gabriel [FreedomAuthorGames]

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Name: Gabriel

Age: 18

Sex: Male

District: 12

Appearance: There is a feminine quality to this boy from District 12, his hair is parted on the side and often unkempt and messy, and his eyes are a sea green which always show his emotion. He is thin, but not horribly so and he is not very tall. His cheekbones are very pronounced and he has been told his is handsome before. He doesn't think so.

Personality: Gabriel is a loner, he never had any friends, and he doesn't want to have any. He believes that friendship is only temporary and it leaves you vulnerable. He hardly ever speaks and when he does, its short and to the point. He had a temper but he has learnt to rein it in and it never shows

Background: District is no place for innocence or weakness and the blue in Gabriel's eyes show the agony he has been through. He lost both his parents to a mind "accident" when he was only five, he was then raised by his Aunty and Uncle who were very strict. It was at the age of fifteen that he fell down an empty mineshaft and broke his leg. He lay there for over a day and he couldn't even whisper for help. He was found by group of fellow miners, he was almost dead but they helped him, risking their own lives to get to where he fell.

Gabriel survived, but his leg was set slightly crooked, and he has lost almost all feeling in it and he had a scar running up his back from landing on rocky ground.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Strengths: He can use his mind, and he is very good with using his hands to craft things.

Weaknesses: His leg is his danger, he cannot run at all, he can only jog and it's painful. It can seize up at times, causing Gabriel to fall, unable to get up.

Token: A silver chain, simply made but it belonged to his mother.

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