Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit | Aspen Summers

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An array of colors exploded across the skies of the arena as dawn brought a new day- one full of promise. Beams of light shattered the darkness, breaking the doubt with rays of shimmering hope. The stars which had once twinkled with so much power were concealed amidst the warm colors of the morning. Any signs of rain had vanished, and all the damage from the storm which had struck only days before had been fixed. Trees were healing in the optimistic light, mending all their broken branches as they swayed to the breathtaking music of the gentle winds. The grass joined in, dancing as the entire arena flared with joy.

It was the beauty before the darkness.

It was the relaxation before the rage.

It was the life before the death.

The end was drawing near.

In the depths of the forest, where coniferous trees crowded the land, dark shadows were cast across the grass. Each was a symbol, standing for something that was much more than the silhouette it appeared to be. One was of an elegant girl, while another was of a young man. Both danced in the grass, hand in hand. Their laughter was free of their bodies, soaring through the air as it twinkled with harmonious sounds, highlighting their happiness. Aspen could only watch in pain, her own laughter caught in her own throat, as she was reminded of Rowan and Alicia, and everything that could have been.

In a clearing where a vibrant green was the only color to be seen, life bloomed. Flowers blossomed as the lively setting blazed with vivid colors. The sun, high in the clear sky, casted its glittering light on the grass of the clearing. Each strand of grass seemed to bask in its sparkles, celebrating its glory in the warm sunshine. The air lacked the winds which normally blew, but instead seemed to support an ideal temperature.

It was a flawless world, one that knew only of perfection.

The scenery was absolutely stunning, even more so in the center of the clearing. The center was where the adolescent made memories, their youth and purity cleansing all the sins of the past. They danced to nature's music as they learned its beauties.

Three stood in the center of it all, hand in hand, as they formed a small circle. Two were older and wiser than the other, standing high and tall. The little one was just shy of their wide range of knowledge, much smaller than the others. She was their younger sister, while her siblings were equal at almost everything as twins. While they competed and fought in everything, there was two things they shared- love and protection for their younger sister.

The laughter that filled the void was musical; it was a collection of high notes which formed a melody. The sound was mellow and gentle, with a soft touch of joy to create a marvelous effect. The three siblings danced and sang as they held hands, enjoying their time in their beautiful world.

"Together, we are united,

and the fire of our joy ignited.

Our chains shall burn,

while our blood shall churn.

But we no longer need to plea,

as we would have been set free-"

The three looked up at the sky as the last word rang out. They each longed for only one thing- flight. It would give them the most beautiful view over their perfect world. It would free their shoulders and backs of their burdens, a strong desire straight from their hearts. It would let them truly be free.

It was all in Aspen's mind, and it was only found deep in the roots of her imagination. It was just a futuristic vision, one found in Aspen's wishes, one that was never to be. The real world in which she lived knew not of love, but only of hatred. It was a broken world, one whose wounds would never heal, no matter the amount of time.

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