Registration and Attendance

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"How lovely to see all the bright young faces in the crowd today! I know how exciting it must be for all of you to have the chance to participate in such an honour as the Hunger Games! If you could register with the Peacekeepers at the sides of this lovely Square, and then make your way to your pens, that would be spectacular. And may the odds be ever in your favor, dears," quipped  Lola Waterlily. By the time she returned to the Capitol to present the recap with Ara Ursa, twenty-four children would be chosen, the odds never in their favor.


Welcome to the official opening of the Third Annual Writer's Game: Roots! To reserve, please make sure you've read the rules and that you post your reservation in the comments below. You may reserve a maximum of two tributes, either a male and female, or two males. It is not recommended that you take two tributes unless you are fully committed to both, and reservations for second tributes will only open twenty-four hours after the initial reservations. Should you wish to reserve a second tribute you must have handed in the first form beforehand.

I will keep this as updated as possible, but be sure to check comments before reserving in case I missed putting someone's reservation up. Reserve by commenting your preferred District and sex.

Without further ado, the reservations and form. You have 48 hours to turn in your form.

Please hand in all forms to magmakepner(at symbol)


District One [Luxury]

Female - Crystal Caverly [@wordsmith-]

Male - Aidyl Desperado [@-caduceus-]

District Two [Masonry]

Female - Hermia Palentinius [@ariel-lannister]

Male - Allion "Alpine" Lapine [@lostwithmyfriends]

District Three [Technology]

Female - Paige Chromadell [@Soft_Serve7]

Male - Drake Byte [@Loveisntfor_me]

District Four [Fishing]

Female - Jacqueline "Jackie" Ecclestone [@WhovianHorseLover]

Male - Eton Morgan [@Squad53]

District Five [Power]

Female - Allora Nightfall [@Lolwierdo]

Male - Leo Tolstoy [@katniss-everdeen]
District Six [Transportation]

Female - Valentine Oceanfall [@frostlapse]

Male -Darius Hectare [@WritingFandoms]

District Seven [Lumber]

Female - Aspen Summers [@TheShineOfTheMoon]
Male - Redwood "Red" Acres [@AverageEverydayHero]

District Eight [Textiles]

Female - Tessa Fitzpatrick [@rushofjoy]

Male - Roscoe Wayland [@TheDarkHorse]

District Nine [Grain]

Female - Wirrina Thrym [@lostwithmyfriends]

Male- Follin Ryme [@shaytree]

District Ten [Livestock]

Female - Calliope Adoni-Zedek [@ImpossiblyFiery]

Male - Nico Deacon [@iamtheLAWtheREALone]

District Eleven [Agriculture]

Female - Therese "Tess" Borde [@josie-tee]

Male - Jeffrey R. Beers [@Clara-impossible]

District Twelve [Mining]

Female - Ember Lewins [@Clove_Thenardier]

Male - Gabriel [@FreedomAuthorGames]


The Form

Name: [District-appropriate please. No Golden Tinsel for District Twelve. Be realistic.]

Age: [12-18]



Appearance: [Please submit a photo link as well as a description.]

Personality: [A paragraph please.]

Background: [Eg. Family history, living conditions, education, work, etc.]

Reaped/Volunteered: [Please be realistic and don't have tributes volunteering for no good reason otherwise I'll cry.]





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