Chapter 9

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After the concert everyone went to the hotel. I was on the rooftop by myself cause the view was very beautiful. Me and Lauren are going to hang out tonight which is kinda of nerve wrecking since I have the biggest crush on her. I know I said I was going to stay away but I can't. I like her too much. Plus I do miss her. I really like her I just don't want to lose her. By staying away it felt like i was losing her all over again. So in order not to lose her. I have to do what I gotta do.

I need to get over her. Let's just face it Lauren would never go out with a girl like me. I mean come on she's freaking Lauren Jauregui the most beautiful gorgeous girl with the most captivating eyes and I'm just me plain old me. As much as I want to tell her I just can't especially since I just got her back. I don't want to lose her again.

I take my phone out and went on Twitter the Uniters have been going crazy since the concert. Saying things like "OMG they are amazing" "Y/N have my babies." I found that one funny. "The 3 United are freaking awesome." There were mostly positive comments not a lot of hate which was good. I smiled and looked at the sunset. I was sitting on the edge so my feet were dangling from the side. I looked down and saw many fans but they didn't see me. I wasn't scared it was actually very calm and nice.

I stood up and turned around and walked to the exit. I opened the door to met by Nash. "N-Nash what's are y-you doing h-here." He smiled evilly and walked towards me. I backed up until my back hit the edge. "Now Y/N didn't I tell you to stay away from Lauren?" I was shaking knowing what he can do to me scared me. Knowing my dad wasn't here to kick his ass scared me. I looked down but he quickly took hold of my neck and made me look up. I grabbed his hand trying to make him loosen his grip that he had on my neck. "Listen here Y/N if you don't stop I will not hesitate to tell Lauren about your little crush." I looked at him and he tighten the grip. He punched me in the stomach and lip with the other hand.

He let go of me and I dropped to the floor coughing and holding my stomach. He bend down and looked at me and smirked. "I know your going to hang out with Lauren today but you are not going to go cause if you do I'll tell her about that little crush and I won't hesitate to finish what I started 3 years ago since John interrupted us last time." He said evilly and before he left he kicked me in the stomach.

I was on the floor still coughing trying to catch my breath. I brought my hand up to my lip. I winced and looked at my hand to see blood. I tried to get up but dang he kicks really hard. I was going to get up when the door bursted open. I looked up and saw that it was Ted. "Oh my god Y/NN what happened?" He rushed to my side and carefully helped me up. "Was it Nash?" I stayed quiet. He gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him. I nodded. "Come on."

He gently picked me up bridal style and went to the room I was sharing with Chrissy. I laid my head on his chest. On the way there we walked into Austin. "What happened?" He asked concerned. Ted just signaled him to follow us.

After Ted was done explaining everything and I mean everything about what happened between me and Nash and about my not so little crush on Lauren and about how I ended up with them. But he promised that he wouldn't say anything to anyone.

I looked at Austin and he looked angry. "He almost....rapped you?" He asked angrily I nodded sadly. "And he's the one who gave you that busted lip." Again I nodded sadly. He shot up and made he's way to the door. "I'm going to kill that asshole."

But before I could stop him he was already storming his way to Nash's room which he was sharing with Connor. Austin knocked well more like banged on the door. "What?" Connor asked tiredly. "Where's Nash?" Austin asked harshly. "I don't know maybe in the cafeteria they have in this place." He said shrugging shutting the door.

Austin quickly made his way to the elevator. I looked at Ted and he was already looking at me he's eyes filled with concern. We looked back at Austin saw that he was already gone. Shoot we quickly made our way to the elevator. And rushed to the cafeteria.

Austin's POV

After I heard what that asshole did and tried to do to Y/N. Something in me snapped. How can you do that to a loving caring and beautiful girl. Ever since I meet Y/N we just clicked. I look at her like a little sister. And I'm a very over protective person. I made my to the cafeteria I bursted  through the doors. I never thought I could get this angry but he hurt my little sister. "Yo Austin dawg." I heard Dinah say but I liked around and saw Nash talking with Brad. I made my way towards him not knowing that the paps were also here.

I grabbed him by his shirt and picked him up. "Yo Austin what's wrong bro?" He said as of nothing was wrong and he didn't just hurt my little best friend. "You know exactly what's wrong. You think you can threaten Y/N like that and get away with it, well you thought wrong." I said as I punched him in the face. He fell to the floor holding his nose. I punched he repeatedly until I felt soft hands grab my face. I looked up and saw Y/N looking at me. "Austin it's okay please stop." She said softly. "But he hurt you." I whispered. She took a hold of my hands and I got off an unconscious Nash.

She looked at me and I sighed. "Come on." She said taking me out of the cafeteria. I looked back and saw the Fifth Harmony girls, Chrissy, Will, Dan, Bea, Scott, and Demi were all confused and concerned. Even though Dinah was kinda smiling cause doesn't like Nash either.



I walked with Austin back to my room. I sat him on the bed and went to go get a first aid kit for his knuckles. I took it and got a wet cloth and the alcohol. After I cleaned his knuckles and wrapped his knuckles in some bandages. I looked up at him. "I'm sorry I just, something snapped in me and I just wanted that asshole to pay for what he did to you." He said looking down. I smiled and gave him the biggest hug. "Thank you." I was going to say something else until my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Y/N turn on the T.V." After that they he hung up. I quickly made my way to the T.V and turned it on.

"Now who knew that Austin Mahone and Y/N Y/LN the lead singer form the new hit band The 3 United were a thing. I don't know about you but in this clip Austin looks like an over protective boyfriend."

In the video they showed Austin arguing with Nash and punching him until I came and calmed him down.

"What I also I saw was that Y/N had a busted lip maybe Austin was just be the sweet over protective guy he is about his friends and he beat Nash up for maybe hurting his best friend Y/N. I mean come on we all now Nash he can be a complete jerk I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one that gave Y/N that busted lip."

Said a girl reporter what I believed her name to be Chelsea Briggs. Dang she's good cause that's exactly what happened. I turned around and saw that Austin had fallen asleep on my bed. I smiled and took off his shoes and tucked him in. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I turned around and saw Lauren standing there with hurt and jealousy in her eyes.



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