Chapter One

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I was sitting in my last class, and that's when the jitters kicked in. My best friend is come home after six months in Europe. They have been on tour, and I haven't seen them in that period of time. I felt a tap on my shoulder coming from behind, and I turned to Chloe. "What?" I whispered. 

She waved her hand in the direction of my legs that were bouncing uncontrollably. "People in China think it's an earthquake." Her English accent was strong. She gave me a smirk, and I rolled my eyes. 

I shook my head, facing the head of the class. I glanced at the clock ever five seconds to see the time. I still have at least three minutes left in this class. When the bell finally rang, I rushed out of the class, knocking students down in the process. 

Chloe kept up pace behind me, because she was my ride home. When I got to the parking lot, I stood by the passenger door, rocking back and forth on my heels, waiting patiently for her to unlock the door. Once she stepped out of the building, she took her time making her way to the car. "Really?" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the hair. She threw her head back and laughed. She rummaged through her bag until she found her keys. She unlocked the doors, and I jumped in, slamming it closed behind me. "Excited much?" she asked as she got into the driver's seat next to me. 

"It's a mix of excitement and nerves." I said, almost out of breath. 

She pulled out of the parking lot, and onto the road to my house. I lived about a good ten minutes from the school.

"What time are they flying in?" She asked. I pulled out my phone to check the time, and noticed I had a message from Brian. "We just landed. :)" I smiled. "They just landed a few minutes ago. They airport's two hours away, since we live in the smallest town in Alabama." That's two hours I get to properly compose myself, and get almost all of the jitters out. We pulled up in front of my house, and I opened the door to get out. After closing the door, I walked to Chloe's side. "I want full details before you go to bed." She pointed, and eyed me. 

I laughed, "I will. I'll see you Monday." I waved to her as she back out of my driveway. 

I ran up the driveway, and rushed inside. I sat my bag down, and walked into the kitchen. Something smelled sweet, and amazing. I found my mom, pulling something out of the oven. "Something smells good." I walked over, and looked down at the freshly baked, chocolate chip cookies. My mouth began to water just looking at them. "What's that for?" I laughed. 

She took off her oven mitts and set them on the counter. "Well I made them for your friends." 

I narrowed my eyebrows, "Weird." I mumbled. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing," I rushed. "Thanks, mom." 

I grabbed a cookie and ran up to my room. Stepping in, I glanced at the bedside table. I still have a while to go. They are actually coming home finally. I've been waiting since the moment they left. I've missed them since they told me they were leaving. I finally get to wrap my arms them and tell them I love them. I don't know what my emotions are doing right now.

I was sitting at my desk, almost finished with my homework when my phone started going off. It was another message from Brian. "Ten minutes away. Can't wait to see you." I'm pretty sure I was grinning like an idiot. I grabbed my phone, and went back downstairs. It was impossible to finish my homework now. It's Friday anyways, so I have all weekend. Even though I'll probably be with the guys the whole time. "They are almost here!" I announced. I was an only child, and only my mom was home. My dad was still at work and wouldn't be home for another three hours.  

I pulled my hair into loose ponytail, and paced the living room. "I wonder if your friends will notice you've gotten a little crazier." My mom smirked sarcastically. "I love you too, mom." She left the room, and walked upstairs. I wonder if they'll notice she's slightly crazy. 

I sat on the couch, and bounced my knees against my palms. This waiting is causing internal agony. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out. Another message from Brian. "Can't make it tonight. See you tomorrow afternoon." My heart dropped, and I instantly deflated. He better be joking. "You better be joking, Brian." I texted back. 

I waited a few minutes for a reply. "Jetlagged. I'm sorry." 

"Fine. See you tomorrow." I was upset now. I was so excited to see them tonight. Especially Brian. I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to see them. I won't be able to sleep. 

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight. I love you." He texted back. 

I sighed. "Love you too." 

"*I" he texted back instantly. 

I smiled. "I love you, too." 

I waited for a text back, and didn't get one. He knew I was upset because I've waited six months and a day to see them again. 

I sauntered back into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I opened it, and took a drink. My phone when off again. I groaned, and I unlocked it. I had picture mail from Brian. I opened it, and it was a picture of him, lying in a bed. The point? He had a goofy grin plastered on his face, which made me laugh out loud. Another message popped up from him. "I missed your laugh." That's not creepy at all...I thought. I looked around the room, and he wasn't here or anything. I exited out of the message, and looked back at the picture. Wait-that's my bed. My heart began to race. 

I exited out of everything, and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. I slowly walked up the stairs, and stopped in front of my room. I hesitated before opening the door. I opened it slowly, and stepped inside. He wasn't here. But that picture was recent. And how did her hear my laugh. I heard my bedroom door shut, and I spun around. I smiled as big as possible. He was standing behind the door. He smiled, and held out his arms. I didn't hesitate before running into them, and letting him squeeze me as tight as possible. "I've missed you so much." I told him, squeezing a bit tighter. 

He chuckled. "You know I've missed you, J."  

I dropped my arms the same time he did. He scanned me for a second. "You've gotten much...taller." He smiled. 

"Maybe an inch?" I laughed. 

"And the braces are gone." He just noticed. 

I nodded, "Yep. Braces are gone." 

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and pulled me into another hug. "Don't leave me again." I whispered against his chest." 

"I won't." He whispered, and kissed the top of my head. 

I know he would be leaving again in no time. While the other guys have their girlfriends on tour, Brian can't have his best friend. Maybe because I'm only seventeen, and my mom won't let me. The Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold is my best friend. I don't think I could ever get tired of saying that.


Finally have it up!  Sorry it's really vague, and not so good.  Umm, the next chapter new character will be introduced, so enjoy! :)

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