Make me! - VulQuinn

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Brian's PoV

"Go and fuck yourself Quinn" sal stormed through front door of our shared apartment, screaming. I was exhausted, we had been fighting all night. Sal had gotten jealous and as usual I was to blame. It had gotten to the stage that I couldn't speak to another man without Sal thinking I wanted to fuck 'em. It was really grating on me, I walked in behind Sal and slumped myself down on the sofa.  I had decided that keeping quiet was the best thing for us right now, I had never seen him this angry with me before.

"ARENT YOU EVEN GOING TO SAY ANYTHING?!" Sal yelled standing in front of me.. The anger in his eyes and the venom in his voice was something that I hadn't ever seen in him, he was always the calmer of the two of us 

"What the fuck is there to say Sal, I haven't even done anything wrong, you're being ridiculous" I spoke, careful not to raise my voice.

"Eh how about sorry for blatantly flirting with another guy right in front of me? How about that Brain" he yelled furiously tapping his foot on the floor in front of me.

"Fuck off Sal, I'm not doing this with you" I hissed at him, becoming annoyed at his attitude.

"Don't fucking speak to me like that Quinn" he snapped back

"Fuck you Sal, I'm done" I snapped standing from my position on the couch and walking to the bedroom slamming the door behind me as I stood and ran my hands over my face letting out an exasperated sigh.. Just then the door swing open and Sal was in my face again.

"Who do you think you are Quinn?" He asked his voice think with venom. His face was so close to mine, the tips of our noses were touching, there was something other than anger that shone in his eyes, something I didn't recognise, what the fuck had gotten into him, I didn't do anything and I had never seen him like this. My heart was racing at his close proximity.

"Shut up and leave me alone Sal!"
I spoke, my voice cracking. What was going on right now, was I scared? Just then Sal leaned even closer as I stepped backwards and backwards until my back hit the wall, all the while Sal was following me until he was face to face with me again..

"Make me!" He hissed

His breath was quickening as he slammed his hands either side of my head. He wouldn't hurt me..would he? I thought to myself.

"Wh..what?" I questioned. Sal leaned in his breath fanning across my lips "I said make me Quinn" he whispered, my heart rate increased and my breath hitched as I felt his teeth graze across my bottom lip.

I threw my arms around his neck ,and kissed him roughly, tongues fighting for dominance as my hands made there way into his hair tugging. Sal pulled away abruptly, fire present in his eyes as they burned into mine. I felt his hand unzip the front of my jeans as he rubbed my hardening length through my boxers before pushing them down enough to reveal my dick. My breath hitched as he took me in his hand, slowly running his thumb over my tip.

"tell me you're sorry" he whispered in my ear before dragging his teeth across my ear lobe "tell me you're sorry Quinn" he added, tightening his fist around me, as he slowly slid my length through his fist, the friction of his palm against the sensitive skin there was driving me crazy, he was torturing me and he was doing it on purpose.
"I'm sorry.." I spluttered as his teeth latched onto my neck causing me to inhale sharply. Sal pulled away slightly and released my member from his grip, i whimpered at the loss of contact.

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