Chapter 11

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Karlie was making her way across the NYU campus after getting out of her last class of the week a little earlier than usual. She was finished with class by noon on Thursdays, and then she had a three day weekend, providing she wasn't working.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, checking to see if she had any new messages that she missed while she was in class. She noticed she had a missed call from her mom, several text messages from her sisters, notifying her of their arrival time and expectations and demands to be picked up, and a few messages from her agent about new campaigns and things.

Quickly scanning the messages, Karlie decided she would call her agent later so they could talk everything over in person. After seeing the messages from her sisters, Karlie figured the call from her mother was to remind her of their arrival time and making sure she didn't forget to pick them up.

Karlie made her way back to her apartment, hoping she still had time to shower and maybe grab something to eat before she had to pick up her sisters. Karlie was actually looking forward to this all day, she hadn't seen her sisters in over a month, and they were all finally coming down to visit her.

She couldn't wait to catch up with all of them, knowing how busy they all were and how much was going on from the lengthy phone calls they've been having the last few weeks. Kristine had gotten a new house, Kariann got an internship at a clinic back home, and Kimby was going to Paris in a few months to study abroad and work on an internship for the summer. Karlie was also really looking forward to her sister's visit because she had some exciting news for once, and she couldn't wait to tell them.

A girl with gorgeous deep blue eyes and a heart stopping smile made her way to Karlie's mind. Karlie had yet to bring up any mention of Taylor with her family. It wasn't that she didn't want to. Karlie actually had to remind herself frequently to not bring the girl up simply because she wasn't sure how to bring the topic up, even with her family.

How do you tell them about this girl you met one night, and you instantly knew you wanted to see that face again every day for the rest of your life? It wasn't that she was worried they would judge her or anything, Karlie had always been very close with her family and she knew they loved her and supported her no matter what. But how does she bring it up when she herself wasn't really sure of where she stood with Taylor?

They had become really good friends and had gotten close very fast. But Karlie always knew she wanted something more with Taylor. She wasn't going to pressure the girl or anything, and she didn't know how to really bring it up, especially if Taylor didn't feel the same way. Karlie was terrified of moving too fast or being too upfront and constantly worried she might scare Taylor off.

That's why she was taking things slow. She's made those mistakes in the past, and it took Karlie a long time to recover from it. She knew there was something special about Taylor. There was something there that Karlie had never really felt before, and that was terrifying.

Karlie knew it the moment she laid eyes on Taylor and felt that first jolt of electricity course through her body. Once she had experienced it for the first time, Karlie never wanted to lose that feeling. And every time she looked at Taylor, she felt that same rush.

The vibrations of her phone pulled Karlie out of her thoughts. She glanced down at the screen, seeing a message from her older sister Kristine.

"I'll be at your place in about an hour. Do you need me to pick anything up for you?"

Karlie smiled as the thumbed out her response. Kristine was always like a second mother to Karlie. She would always bring groceries and other things for Karlie whenever she visited, insisting if she didn't do it, Karlie wouldn't survive because she didn't take care of herself, so she had to.

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