Part 7

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I'm glad Mark isn't moping over that Lisa girl anymore. I can see that he's totally forgotten about her. But, what I'm worried about is that he's falling for another cousin even...and fast. He's just a complete sucker when it comes to girls. I admit, he has a good eye when it comes to their physical appearance, but is really blind with their personality. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that my cousin has a nasty attitude, it's just that, he falls for every single pretty girl he sees. I know my best friend all too well, and I truly care for him. That's why I always keep watch on his actions. He's the most sensitive guy I know. Sometimes I wonder if he has a heart of a woman. When he loves, he gives his all. But because of that, he falls too hard when he gets dumped. 

The last months after their break up with Lisa, he was so broken that he even lost a lot of weight because he didn't want to eat. He hurt himself too many times doing his flips, and that rarely happens because he used to be so careful. I just don't want to see him in that state again. 

My cousin on the other hand, is so dense and stubborn. Totally the opposite of Mark. Ever since she knew about Lei's dare, she became very insensitive towards guys. She would go out with them but dump them in a heartbeat. Not even looking back to see if she's hurt them. I love my cousin dearly, but I don't think she is the one Mark should be pursuing. 

As much as I want to see these two happy, I don't think they would be happy together. Mark would be a perfect boyfriend for my cousin. But, Jess would be his worst nightmare. 

I don't want to be a kill-joy and let Mark down just when he's slowly getting back his happiness. I might just as well watch him closer this time to prevent him from getting hurt again. 



Finally! I'm done with my short proposal. I just made it simple, only stating facts and details of what the project is gonna be. Thankfully, Mr. Tuan's tips and the files I got from my dad's secretary were able to help. I was also able to go around town to look at different kinds of restaurants in Seoul in the past three days. There is also a good location I've spotted just in the middle of Cheongdamdong. 

I pressed 'save' on my laptop and pushed it close. 

Before going to bed, I opened a can of beer and sipped, turning on the TV in my room and scanning for any English channel. I've already started with my Korean classes, but I'm still at a loss. The tutor comes in everyday for two hours - boring much - every morning, teaching me expressions and words I could hardly pronounce. 

I find a show that has English subtitles in it, and decide to watch the drama. After I downed the last drops off the can, I feel my eyes getting heavier. I am about to doze off when I hear the doorbell ringing. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I unconsciously cursed aloud, looking at the time which says 1:00. Who, in their right minds, would fucking hate me this much to disturb me at the wee hours. I force myself to get up, out the room and to the door. 

"Besie..." I can already hear a drunk Victor on the other side. 

"Vic, you freakin' dumbass. What are you doing here?" I lazily yell at him as he staggers inside the living room. "And drunk, too."

"Jesh..." he slurs. "I'm shooo dead." He sprawls himself on the sofa, his eyes half closed. 

"What are you talking about?" I sit on the other chair beside his head. 

"I shink my dad knowsh..." 

"What?" I could barely understand what he's saying. I stand up and get something warm for him to drink. But, I'm out of coffee and I don't have tea, so I settle for warm water and sugar. "Here," I hand him the glass. 

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now