Part 45

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I knew it. My parents already has a girl waiting for us when we get there. But.. Lisa? That came as a surprise. Jess and I stare at her in shock. What's this bitch doing here? Is she planning something? It's clear she was expecting to see us since she doesn't seem to be as surprised as we are. 

My parents don't stop talking about how great she is over dinner. I feel sorry to Jess. I squeeze her hand reassuringly. I remember what she asked me in the car on our way here, as well as my answer. I will fight for her. There's no way I would be marrying anybody else but her. Most especially now that she's trying her best to stay with me. 

Although I know she doesn't love me, but she is able to endure all I did to her. I will keep my promise and try my best not to hurt her anymore. I kiss her forehead in front of everybody when I leave her with my mom and Lisa to go to my dad's office for a small 'talk'. 

I know what's coming. I've been expecting this, too. He insists I drop the engagement with Jess and just marry Lisa. He keeps on repeating that Jess' family has done nothing but embarrass us. Who instigated it anyway? Isn't it him who started this? 

"She doesn't love you. She's only after the company," he says, gritting is teeth. He comes to me and slaps my cheeks. I just always. 

Ever since I was young, my dad always sees me as an embarrassment as I fail him over and over, from my grades in school to my mischief with my friends. More so when Jin-Ah supposedly died. He sent me to the US and it was hell. 

The only time he was really proud was when I graduated high school. Well, that time, my life was going straight. I thought I was gonna change and my father would change, too. But then she left because of my mistake. 

At first, I thought living in the US would be bad, but it was actually better than living with my dad. Every single mistake I did, I received a beating or two. 

I think I deserve it now more than ever. I've hurt Jess. 

I accept his blows as he yells at me. I keep on telling him I love her and I don't care if she doesn't feel the same way. I know that what she's doing now is more than what I deserve. I have to protect her more than anything or anyone. She's the only one that's keeping me sane in my very insane world. 

He only stops when Jess barges in the room, much to our surprise. She comes to my side and helps me up. 

"Jess, what are you doing?"  I ask her, fearing my dad would turn his anger at her. 

"Let's just go," she pulls me towards the door and I follow, still in shock. 

My father stops as and I freeze. His voice just scares the living daylights out of me. But, Jess....she's different and fearless. She stands up to my dad and shouts back at him. I tug at her hand gently to stop her, but she doesn't. 

"No, it's not." She yells. "It's Lei's. It's been his ever since the supposed engagement." 

Wait...what? How? I didn't notice I voice that out loud. 

"I'm sorry, Lei...for not telling you sooner. I just learned about it before we came here, too. You can check the papers if you want."  

I look at her, still puzzled as she tugs at my arm and pulls me out the door. 

But, my father, once again stops us. He takes a hold of her arm and pulls her back to the office. The sudden drag makes her let go of my hand and she is thrown down to the floor on my dad's feet. 

I've never fought against my father before. I've never even shouted at him. I always followed his orders. But, seeing Jess now on the floor flares me up. I rush to her side and pull her to her feet. 

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now