Coins, Invisiblity: Awesomness and Depressed Skittles

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- Then Jason flipped his trademark coin and—


Jason lost that coin in The Lost Hero.

Author: But—

Me: No.

- -hey there- Percy called out to Annabeth who smiled back -what's up?- -I like soup- Leo called back and Piper yelled, -You are so annoying.-

(Awkward sentence structures intended)

There are two main things wrong there other than the awkward structures of the sentences.

1) Freaking. Quotation. Marks. People.

Quotation marks aka these things " that you are supposed to use when someone is talking.


(idea from @queengreenny in the comments!)

2) After one person speaks you've gotta press the enter button either one or two times (depending whether you are on a computer or the app.)

This is a revised version of the test before.

"Hey there!" Percy called to Annabeth who smiled back.

"What's up?"

"I like soup." Leo called back and Piper yelled.

"You're so annoying!"

That is still a bad paragraph but at least it's more grammatically correct

- No one seems to notice or care about Annabeth's cool Yankees hat that can make her turn invisible...

But still everyone uses her dagger which isn't existent but not her hat which is COMPLETELY THERE Unless she wears it in which case it becomes invisible ;)

*rolls orbs*

- The whole TFIOS Okay thing going on.

Basically any time anyone says "Okay" in a story everyone comments "THE FAULT IN OUT STARS!!!"

I'm pretty sure that John Green didn't copyright the word "Okay" but you never know..

*spookily floats away*

- You should really warn people if it's an R rated story....

Just saying.


- Leo is either all dark and depressing or hyper on skittles 24/7

Leo's POV

Death is all that I see as I stare out at the battlefield. Death, it comes so fast that it's gone in a blink of an eye and leaves you stranded on an island of desperation and dismay.

(Idek what I wrote there but sure ^•^)


Leo's POV

OOOHHH LOOKEY AT THE SKITTLES!!! WAT why is everyone sleeping with their eyes open and dead-looking?? OH WELL WHATEVSSSSSSSSS

So um yeah.....

Which Leo do you guys like better?

- Demigods actually have dreams about the future events contrary to popular belief :)))

- Somewhereeeee over the rainbowwww Theres a land that I've heard of

Oh wait no lolz cause there's no goddess of the rainbow....

- Good bye my lovely people!!!!

*flies away on a jet*

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