Chapter 29 - "Love Comes With Pain"

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Chapter 29
"Love Comes With Pain"
Third Person

It had been a couple of hours as Jess came back with candy, "I got hungry, want some?" Jess asked.

"Ok! I think Ive figured out how to make the antidote!" Jin shouted.

Jin had a vial of green stuff in his hand, "I just need to use this poison that was in Skylar and Barney to make it!" Jin informed.

"Try some candy with it!' Jess squealed obviously being affected by the candy.

"Ok?" Jin agreed.

-Ross' POV-

"Who are you even going to try it on? I questioned.

"Barney." Jin answered as he took some candy, mashed it up and put it in the vial.

Jin forced Barney to drink the stuff and soon there was nothing left in the vial, "I thinks it worked!" Barney yelled.

Barney then started to fly around crazily, "Now there is none left for Skylar though." Jin mumbled.

"What?!" I shouted.

I ran over to Skylar, "I know I only found out who you were today, but still your the best brother I've ever had. I still don't remember half of my life, but atleast I found my brother before my life ended." Skylar forced a weak smile which made tears fall down my cheeks.

I hugged Skylar as her heartbeat stopped along with her breathing, "Your the best sister I've ever had too." I sobbed through tears.

I looked to see her weak smile staying on her face as she turned pale, "I will never forget you..." I whispered as tears fell down her cheeks.

Here eyes turned dull as I hugged her. Why did max do this? He was smirking while he knew she was my sister, he didn't care! He told me just as he poisoned her, he wanted me to suffer! He wanted to break me, he wants to break us all... Zalek planned this, he wanted this, he knew this would happen, he's already broken me, who's next? I don't want to let Zalek win, but I have to... It's too hard... We're all doomed...


Ever since the beginning pain has followed us.
Zalek has followed us.
He's picking us off 1 by 1.
He's breaking us one by one.
Love always comes with pain.

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