Thank you

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This chapter isn't really a chapter, it's mainly just a thank you to all of my loyal followers and those people that still read my books even though I rarely update them, but here is my first thank you,

You have been reading my books since The New Hybrids and that feels like forever ago, the weird thing is, you're still reading my books, you're amazing and a beautiful person.

*starts playing Bruno Mars* You're perfect just the way you are.

You're just as bright as your profile picture.

Gurl, you're as sassy as Aphmeow.

xOwlfeatherx  and xXhadowWillowXx
You two were meant to be linked together by DNA, you are also both amazing writers.

And lastly

Ÿøū have been my only friend for the past year, you read that right, only friend, I was kinda diagnosed with ASD, but other than that you helped me actually learn, how to get a friend, but I don't think I remembered that. I used to have two friends, but they were satan and a demon in human bodies, I've never actually made a friend, sad I know, but this is why I'm thanking you

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