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So, I'm making a new book and I have requests to ask and a contest to have! The new book is a YouTubers and 7 Deadly sins fanfic. It will only have swear words and nothing that inappropriate! Beware, I have not watched 7 Deadly sins, so I'm just making my own version. The book won't be published yet! When I do publish it I still won't be writing in it, because of The New Hybrids! But, my requests are if any wattpad users want to be in the book? Such as,


Then I will have a contest! I will have to speak to everyone via messages, you can submit in the comments, just you have to talk to me via messages for some tiny things that I can't put in this note thing! I will only pick 1 person for the book though!

Short backstory:
Relatives: (optional)
Sin: (Optional and has to be said in messages)
Crush: (Optional and Messages)

Even if you are one of the wattpad users I would appreciate it if you filled that out.

The New Hybrids (A YouTuber Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now