3~Elijah & Kol

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You are new in town. You make friends with Elijah and Kol gets undaggered. He finds out everything about you and plans to kill you. But what he doesn't know and neither do you, is that you are supernatural. Just like him.

You were new in town. And very much human. On the outside. But on the inside, you wished to be something more. You had never been to the ocean in your life but you have always wanted to go. And finally living close to it, you would visit. If school decided not to torture you.

Being new meant a new school and trying to make new friends. And one of those new friends included Elena Gilbert. She gave you a list of people that you could talk to and ones you should just flat out stay away from. And you were very determined to follow that list.

The first quarter of your junior year had just ended. And you were walking home. Your car decided to break down about 2 weeks ago. So you've even stuck walking around town. That seemed to be the only up side to a small town. Everything was in walking distance.

Every Wednesday you would walk to the beach. Your feet would touch the sand and you would inhale the salt water. But you would never step foot in the ocean. Everyone knew that you had done this. Secretly Damon would watch you. Until Elijah Mikealson found out about it. So every other week the two would switch off on who would watch you. Except no one had shown up that day.

You were walking home from the beach and you weren't paying very close to your surroundings. But than again who does when you know there are usually people there watching you. You bumped into someone and you were about to yell at the dude for not paying attention. But you were the one not paying attention.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I wasn't watching were I was going. I'm so sorry."
The man had helped you up as you clambered about trying to fix your appearance.
"Now (Y/N), it is not very smart for a girl like you to be out at a time like this.

You had heard that voice once before. And it was the one and only Kol Mikealson. Not only was he one of the names on the list of people to stay far away from; he knew everything about you. And you were now, completely and utterly helpless against him.

Elijah's POV

The topic of my brother was being thrown on the table yet again. I understood that no one liked Klaus. But now Kol is out there. And in some ways-unlike Klaus- he is the worst of us all.
"We have to kill Klaus. It is the only way that any of us can ever get some peace around here." Caroline stated. My dearest brother has started to grow feelings for Caroline. She doesn't like that. And neither does Tyler.

The door bursts open and Damon walks in. We all think nothing of it as he grabs a glass cup and pours in his bourbon. We continue talking about different things to do to keep ourselves business. Damon begins talking," Isn't it your turn to be watching (Y/N)?"
We all look to Damon who was obviously drunk before he walked we and at the same time we all say 'No it's yours!'

His face goes blank and he dashes to his room. Must likely to throw up. No one is looking out for (Y/N). Great. Just great. I rush out of the Salvatore boarding house and rush to the beach.

Your POV

You were thrown against a tree. The pain that was only meant for your back was spreading to all over your body. I guess that's what happens when you hit your spine. As many times as I have tried to get up, Kol has pushed me down twice as much. I was weak. And alone. And scared. I would've screamed but than he would've hit me. Again. I would've tried to fight back. But I gave up on that a while ago.

My whole body hurts and everything is sore. I lay on the ground in my blood thinking that maybe if I don't move, he can't - maybe won't - hurt me. But this is Kol Mikealson we are talking about. All of the Mikealson's are evil.
"Now I really like you but if you didn't fight, this wouldn't have been a problem."
He said to me and my breathing got raged as he placed a hand to my throat. I don't think he was trying to kill me. Just knock me out for long enough to do stuff to me. Or to take me places.

I felt a rush of air enter my lungs. Oh I never thought that I would be so happy to breathe in the air. Sweet, sweet air. Punches were being thrown and someone was fighting Kol. I stood up and watched as the scene before me unraveled. Elijah has always been kind to me. And I never thought much of him. But now that I think about it, he and Kol kind of did look a bit similar.

I heard a growl come from Kol and Elijah screamed for me to run. I didn't want to. I wasn't one to back down from a fight. I said no and stood my ground. Elijah turned around. He had red veins under his eyes and he had two sharp fangs (I'm assuming they are sharp) coming out of his mouth. Elijah would've never done that. His face softened as I ran as fast as I could as far as I could. I could still here screams as I reached the water of the ocean. And I was left with no choice. I would have to step foot into the water sooner or later.

I ran into the water as fast as I could and went as far as my feet could carry me. Until my feet weren't carrying me anymore. The water grew warmer and each time I came up for air I felt like I would freeze to death. I couldn't see anything. I just kept on swimming. All the way to the booey.

I started to grow quite tired and nearly fell asleep, but just than I saw Elijah running towards the water. I dove in and swim as fast as I could. I hit the surface and go to stand but end up falling. If Elijah hadn't caught me I would've fallen straight onto my face. I was so happy that I was now safe. I look down at where my legs should be and see a beautifully colored blue tail. And sea green shells. I will never be save. Not as long as I have a tail. After a couple of minutes out of the water, my tail disappeared. Elijah was the first to speak during the silence," No matter what happens. Or what either of us become. I promise I will protect you from anything and everything."

To prove that he wasn't lying, he dove into the water making my blue tail reappear. And I just have to say, it was the best underwater kiss of all time.

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