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Imagine being invited to the Mikealson ball by Elijah but once Klaus meets you he realizes that you are his soulmate.

Word has gone around town about the ball that the Mikealsons are having. A celebratory ball for the Mikealsons seeing as their family has finally been reunited. Seeing as I have been getting closer to Elijah, he had personally invited me. But I didn't tell anyone. Well, only Caroline because she does my hair and makeup for special events. And I can't. At all. Like when I attempt to curl my hair. It is not curly. It's got kinks all in it.

Caroline had come to my house and we got ready there. We still had about an hour before we actually had to leave so we kinda just chilled and tried not to eat a lot so we would still be hungry baby the time we got there.

Caroline and I walked up to the Mikealson Manor and everything was decorated. This definitely tops any school dance I've ever been to. Damon and Stefan walked up to us and eyed me up and down. Damon was the first to open his mouth.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked slightly angry.

I merely walked past him and replied, "I was invited."

As I walked away from them, I could practically feel Stefan and Damon staring at me. I headed over to the snack section and indulged myself in the delicious food. It was some of the best I had ever had in my life.

About an hour passed before the Mikealsons made their presence know at the ball. The only Mikealson that I had truly known was Elijah. I had only heard stories of the rest of them.

Elijah had come up to me and linked his arm in mine.

"Well you look mighty beautiful tonight (Y/N)."

"Why thank you Elijah. You don't look to bad yourself." I said with a smile.

"Please, I would like for you to meet my family."

"Alrighty, let's do exactly that." I say with a shaky breath.

"Oh you'll be fine. They'll love you." He said reassuring me.

We walked up to them, seeing as they were in a small circle talking to each other they had to turn to face us as soon as Elijah got their attention.

"My beautiful family, this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my sister Rebekah. My brothers Kol and Finn. My mother Ester. And Niklaus is around here somewhere."

I shook all of their hands and Rebekah hugged me tight. Saying that she was glad that she finally got to meet me. As soon as I turned around I ran into a firm chest.

"Ah," Elijah spoke, "Our brother. Niklaus."

I regained my posture and he grabbed my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. To say that I didn't blush furiously would be a lie. Sure Elijah did it all the time. But this. This was different.

A slow song began to play and Niklaus practically swept me off my feet. I look back at a confused Elijah and gave him an I'm sorry I had no control look. He simply laughed a little and smiled letting it go.

Nik had me attached to his hip the entire night. Anytime Elijah would ask me to dance with him Nik would pull me away and dance with me in front of him. Elijah started to get a bit annoyed and went to take with the Salvatore brothers. Seeing as his brother had stolen his date.

"What are you doing Nik? I have only just barely met you and I am suppose to be here with Elijah. You are being awfully rude to him." I stated angrily at him as we danced.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear and said,"how do you not feel it? The way you are drawn to me. You didn't want to leave my side all night. I could sense it. Admit it. You've felt safe with me all night. You never wanted to leave my side."

I processed what he had said and realized that everything he stated was true. I looked over to Elijah with a sad face and saw him dancing with Elena. And I didn't feel any jealousy in me. But when Nik danced with Caroline earlier... I looked up at him and he smiled. I mimicked his smile.

"I guess that tends to happen when you find your soulmate."
And proceeded to kiss him.

A/N: Hope you guys liked it!! Sorry Elijah!! Still love you!! Like, comment, and request!!

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