28~ Klaus

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Imagine Klaus has the Hollows in him but won't cave in because he is still in love with you.
"Nik please I'm so sorry! Nik!!" I said as I ran.
"It doesn't have to be like this! Don't listen to it! Don't let it have you! Please Nik! Please!"

My feet grew tired and I didn't want to run anymore. Please. Don't make me run anymore. I could already feel the tears running down my face. Please. No more running.

------------------24 hours earlier------------------

I promised Klaus that I would always be there for him. After he found out that he was going to have a baby with Hayley. He broke things off with me because he hurt me. Thought I deserved better. But it's been quite a long time. Almost five years since I've talked to him. I had made my way to Washington DC. Did some work there. But I have been longing to come back to New Orleans for a while.

I made my way to the Mikealson Manor only to find that it was covered in plants and all covered in growth. The inside wasn't any better. Everything destroyed and precious memories lost. I went up to Nik's room and it looked like someone had recently stayed there. I went to the closet and opened the doors and saw Nik's clothes. Along with some of my things that I never collected when Nik told me to leave.

I turned and saw Elijah standing in the doorway. Tears began to well up in my eyes and I ran into his arms and hugged him. All the warmth and love that I'd never thought I would feel ever again in my life time.

"You shouldn't be here. Things are bad. Worse than we have ever experienced. Here or in Mystic Falls. I'll get you a car out of here."

"I'm not leaving Elijah. I just got here. And besides. The past five years, I doubt whatever you are facing can't be that bad. So I'm staying. Until I decide to leave."


"No Elijah. I am not a child anymore. I don't need protecting. If you and your family really wanted to keep me safe, where were you these past five years? Where were you when I was getting whipped and tortured?"

After I had said that Hayley and Nik walked in. A little girl in Hayley's arms. Hayley was looking at Elijah. And Nik looked at me and than down to his feet in shame. I sighed as I fixed myself.

"Ni-", I cleared my throat, "Klaus. It's been a long time. Hayley. Who is that?"

"This is Hope. She is my daughter. She is our daughter." She said as she looked to Klaus.

I couldn't help but feel a ping of pain on my heart. Looking at that little girl. At Hope. If Klaus and I were ever to marry. Ever to have kids. Than she would've been mine.

"My partner wanted me to take a break from the current case we are working on. Because he thought I was crazy. But I know I'm not. It connects to New Orleans. I've made the physical connection. I just don't know who or how or why."

"What case is it that you're working on?" Hayley asked cautiously.

"Kids. All over the nation. In groups of five. Go missing at one time. And working at the head of the FBI department. The case has fallen into our hands. I made the connection when specifically to New Orleans because the children that went missing here. Were the only ones to return. Alive."

We went to a bar called Rousseau's. Supposedly it is free of all magic and we would be able to talk there with no problem. We talked about the case and what I had evidence I had collected thus far. And than they told me about the hollows. What it was. What it had done. Why it was here. How it came to be.

It wasn't making much sense. How a certain type of magic. How a book could just appear. Now I knew that this case how to be solved. Without my partner. Because this was something I didn't want him to get into.

Hayley had left early with Hope. Vincent and Marcel had showed up to try and help us figure out what to do. Freya and Elijah had traded spots so he could go home to be with Hayley as to rest.

I don't remember much of what happened because I passed out. I was so exhausted from trying to do so much in so little time. I woke up to see that the bar and the restaurant was a mess. Vincent was over the bar. Freya and Marcel were lying on top of one another. And Klaus. Klaus was nowhere to be found.

Freya's phone was out and it looks like she had tried to called Elijah. I heard a crash and a shout from the back and I ran out of there. I was not about to stick around and be the beginning of a horror show.

I had stopped to catch my breathe and I looked behind me and I saw Nik. His eyes more blue than normal. And he was not even thirty feet behind me. I started to run again but it felt as if I was getting no where. Nik was gaining on me. And fast.

"Nik please I'm so sorry! Nik!!" I said as I ran.
"It doesn't have to be like this! Don't listen to it! Don't let it have you! Please Nik! Please!"

My feet grew tired and I didn't want to run anymore. Please. Don't make me run anymore. I could already feel the tears running down my face. Please. No more running.

My pleas didn't seem to faze him at all. I reached the end of the trees and came across a small dock on the bayou. And I ran to the edge of that. Nik began to approach me slowly. He was covered in blood and he looked very angry. An angry I have never seen before.

"Dear sweet (Y/N). I really don't want to do this. But it's not leaving me any choice. In order to become truly powerful. Truly strong. I need to cut off the thing that is holding me back. You. Because you changed me. For the better but I don't want to be that anymore."

He put his hand around my neck. And Elijah and Hayley had just shown up.

"You broke up with me." I choked out.
"You were the one who ruined things between us when you slept with Hayley. And I loved you than and I still love you now. But I have never and will never forgive you for what you did with Hayley that night. Why do you want to kill me when I did nothing wrong? I did nothing to hurt you. I gave you my heart and you stomped on it again and again. And I still insist on loving you. No amount of torture or pain or close calls with deaths will ever break me to the point of where I give you up. Of where I give up on you. Because I haven't. I won't. So if you kill me now. I'll haunt you when I'm dead. These things. This Hollows isn't going to be half as strong as I will once I through you remember that Nik. So kill me if you must. But it will never be satisfied. It will always want more."

I could barely breathe by the time I had finished my day. Elijah and Hayley had backed up some distance. I looked down and noticed that the water in the bayou was rising. Nik hadn't felt it yet but it was coming up. And fast. I kicked him in his previous us no-go zone and he dropped me and we fell through the little dock that was once holding us up. I grabbed onto Nik. His eyes closed and..... I didn't get a chance to see if he was alive still or not. I hit my head. We kept falling down and drifting along with the current that all of a sudden seemed to pick up. I wonder what happened and how the water did that.

Elijah's POV
(Only from the part of where him and Hayley show up at the little dock)

Freya had called me. But the connection was lost. Hayley and I had checked Rousseau's. Vincent was already awake and caring for Freya and Marcel. Hayley and I were driving through the bayou trying to find Nik and (Y/N). Hayley could smell (Y/N) from far away because her scent was so new and so strong.

We found them at the edge of the water in the bayou. Panic was already running through my system. So I couldn't quite make out or pay attention to what they were saying. That was until the fell into the water and never came back up. Where are they? Where could they have gone? I thought we had Nik under control. The Hollows must be getting stronger.

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