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Imagine Klaus teaming up with Bonnie to make you really sick so Elijah will have to take care of you.

I had been feeling weird for the pass couple of days. And I thought that maybe I just had a bug. But it didn't go away easily. It was putting up a fight.

Klaus is one of my best friends. And he knows that I like Elijah. I tell him everything. I just didn't know if Elijah liked me back. So I never did anything.

Bonnie had been acting awfully weird this entire week. I tried to talk to her but she just shrugged me off. The end of the week was finally here. Friday. You couldn't have come soon enough. I was ready to get out of that hell hole. We got to Rics class which is fourth period and we got new seats yay. Note the sarcasm.

Bonnie now sat behind me a couple seats back and I was close to the front. About halfway through the lesson I started to feel so sick. And remember I am not the type of person to ever get sick. Even though I am human. I never get sick.

So I simply thought to myself, "I'm probably just super tired." But my body and my mind was telling me otherwise. I remember the first time I got sick. I started to over produce saliva. Yes I observe my symptoms. Because I don't get sick!

Crap. This cannot be happening. I stood up and darted to the door with Ric calling after me. I had just barely made it to the bathroom. Where I throw up all of my stomachs content. Which was a lot considering that I didn't eat much this morning.

I hung over the toilet feeling like I was going to pass out. But I had to throw up again. This damn bug. Soon I felt hands holding my hair and I looked up and saw Caroline. She gave me half a smile before I turned my head again to throw up.

Caroline knew that Klaus and I were friends so once I was done puking my guts out she drove me to his house. And just my luck he wasn't there. I had no family in town so if I was ever sick, I was screwed to take care of myself.

She layed me down and his bed, got me some water and left to go back to school. I tried to sleep but I have never been this sick before. And I heard the down open thinking Klaus would come up and help me. But I ending up running to the bathroom. Out came my guts again.

I guess Klaus heard me and started running. As I threw up a little blood came up to. The door opens and it's not Klaus. I looked at the door and saw Elijah.
"Elijah" I could barely get out his name before I passed out.

Elijah's POV

My day has been too long. Klaus was acting weird. Rebecca was no where to be seen. And Kol was re-daggered a few days ago. I just want to get into some more comfortable clothes and go to sleep.

And of course that can't happen. I hear foot steps upstairs. It is probably just (Y/N). She probably doesn't think anyone is here. And than I hear her throwing up. I run up the stairs. If something bad has happened to her. I don't know what I'd do.

I get to Klaus' room where she must likely would be and head to his bathroom. She is hunched over the toilet, just letting everything flow. She looks up at me and says my name before she blacked out. I ran to her side. She looked terrible. She must've been like this all day.

I cleaned her up as best I could and brought her to my room. I put her in my sweats so she'd be more comfortable. She looked like death to be fully honest. Once I knew that she wasn't going to wake up, I went to clean Klaus' bathroom. If he saw that, I don't even want to think about what he would complain about.

Once I was done it was almost 9 o'clock. I went to go check on (Y/N) to make sure she was still alive. Thank goodness she was. I climbed in next to her so if anything were to happen I would be right there to help her. Even sick she looked beautiful.

-----------time skip to morning---------

I woke up first only to see (Y/N) holding onto me. Being sick doesn't come without its shortage of fear or nightmares. I gently shook her to wake her up. She opened her eyes slightly but was too weak to even reply. So she just quietly 'mmmm'd me.

"We've got to clean you up."
"You'll probably fall back asleep while I do so but that's okay."

As gently as I could I picked her up and carried her to the tub. I ran a lukewarm bath making sure it was just right. I had started to undress and yes I know it was weird. I was blindly doing it. But I still had to. She had puke and blood everywhere.

As I set her in the tub she awoke with a jult, not knowing what was happening. Once she realized she calmed down and closed her eyes once more. This felt so wrong but Klaus wasn't here. He had seen her semi naked or naked a good amount of time. And vise versa. And I honestly didn't think that he would be coming back anytime soon.

Once she was cleaned up I brought her downstairs and set her on the couch. I went and gathered mine and Niklaus' sheets to wash. Then went back down to make breakfast only to find that (Y/N) wasn't on the couch anymore. Panic and worry grew in my heart until I heard the shut of the fridge.

I stepped into the kitchen to see (Y/N) trying to find something to eat that she could hold down. She was already shaking uncontrollably. I don't think she would be able to hold anything down. She turned and saw me and as if on cue she started to ball her pretty eyes out. When you're sick you're mind is never in the right place. She was still so out of it.

I walked up to her and held her gently not wanting to hurt her anymore than she already was.

"I can't even hold down water without spitting it back up!" She cried into my shirt. I bit into my wrist. And she looked at me funny.
"Just a little. It may not work but it's worth a shot."

As she took hold of my wrist some of the color started to reappear into her once so pale skin. But she still looked so sick. When she pulled away she smacked her lips saying it tasted funny. And I laughed a little.

My blood didn't do anything except give her the chance to eat and drink without throwing it all up every ten minutes.

And every day this was the normal routine. That is until I had heard Bonnie and Klaus talking about (Y/N) being sick the day I went to get her soup at the Grill.

I grabbed the soup and approached them.
"You didn't." I said and they looked around avoiding eye contact.
"The two of you should be ashamed of yourselves."

As I started to walk away I could hear Bonnie telling Klaus that she was going to take the spell off. Klaus and Bonnie were suppose to be her best friends. Best friends don't make each other sick by using magic.

Throughout the next couple of days she started to get better. Klaus finally came home and once she could do things by yourself. I told. I told her what Klaus and Bonnie did. I don't think I've ever seen some look so angry before. But all she did was get up. And she left the house with a slam of the front door.

It's been a week since than. And no one has seen her.

A/N: Oh my gosh guys!!! This idea just came to me! I really like it!! But I feel like I did so bad on it at the same time. And I won't leave you hanging. I'm not that mean. There will be a part two to this imagine. Sorry (Y/N) didn't talk much. But the spell they used made her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick. (Y/N) will talk more in part two I promise!! Vote! Comment!! And share!! Love you guys!!

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