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Imagine hanging out with Klaus for hours. And maybe it was all destined to happen.

You were tired.

That's the excuse you had used, at least.

Tired and drunk.

We've been talking for so long. His presence had filled me with a sense of content, his voice lulling me into warm sleepiness. I had no idea how many drinks he'd bought me. I knew it had surprised him, me initiating the kiss, and I'd like to say that I surprised myself, but that wasn't exactly the truth.

Damon and Stefan had decided that I should be sent to distract the Original Hybrid, while they searched his mansion for anything that would contradict Klaus' pledge of honesty.
"Does anyone ever stop to consider the irony of these plans?"

My question being met with silence, I decided to instead ask why they thought I would be able to distract him.

"Humans are so oblivious," Damon said, shaking his head.

"He seems to have a soft spot for you." His brother answered.

"I'm the only one he hasn't attempted to kill yet. Hardly a soft spot." I quipped.

"Out of everyone, you've got the best chance of not getting hurt," Stefan said.

"Out of everyone, I'm the only one who won't survive getting hurt."

"You'll do fine," Damon claimed. He gave your outfit a once-over before adding, "Just wear something that shows a bit more skin."

So, clad in black heels and a short dress, I stepped into the Grill and found a table near the bar. I knew where he was the second I walked in but chose to keep my head cast down and hidden in my curls. Shrugging my jacket off my shoulders, I let my eyes sweep around. It was busy as usual, and Matt gave me a nod from the behind bar, and I smiled in return. He was supposed to keep an eye on me and call Stefan in case things went awry.

All the faces surrounding me were familiar, but one stood out among the rest. I wasn't expecting his eyes to already be on me, but they were, and I found my lips giving a small smile before tucking my hair behind my ear nervously and looking away. He was dressed in all black, as per usual, and I found myself again wondering if it was the protocol for vampires to dress that way. Out of the corner of your eye, I saw him set his glass down and begin to make his way towards my table.

I could feel the fear and dread creep into my chest, along with something I couldn't place. I  tried to remember the last time my heart had beat this way and recalled being chased down by Tyler when he shifted and broke out of the Lockwood cellar.

I thought of what Caroline had said as she did my makeup earlier while I was musing my apprehensions.

"It's gotta be you, Y/N. You're human, which means that even though you're vulnerable, you're genuine. You don't need a reason to be there, or a reason to want to talk to him. You're innocent."
"Right. Genuine and innocent. Sounds just like me." I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean." She laughed.
Before I could scare myself by pondering just how vulnerable I would be in this situation, I heard his voice behind me.

"Awfully late for a girl your age to be out and about, don't you think?" My heart jumped, but I tilted my head to face him, taking in his stubble and red lips.

"Awfully late for a man your age to be out of a coffin, don't you think?" I smiled sweetly.
He looked away, wetting his lips before curling them into a smirk.

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