8• How You Explain The Pet You Got

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This is like a part two to the seventh preference. :)

Stefan: "Okay Stefan don't get mad. But I simply couldn't help myself. He was so cute and than I thought of how you eat animals and a part of me just couldn't resist!"

Damon:  "(Y/N)!"
"Oh right uh Damon I got us a kitty to eh uh liven up the place."
"No you didn't. We already have a puppy that is crazy enough."
"You're right that's a lie. She was so cute and look they cancel out each other's energies. Just like us."

Alaric: "Hey Ric don't freak out but I adopted this cute little rascal today! He was the last puppy and no one wanted him so he is ours now!"

Jermey: "He was a stray and it was cold and raining. Jermey don't look at me like that. I had too. He could've died. And I'm glad I did. So you better learn to love him!"

Matt: *sends Matt a text*
You: hey Matty so long story short we now have six dogs so you're gonna have to stop by the store on your way home and get more dog food and five more beds.
Matt: excuse me. Say what?
You: well Sheila was just so said that she lost her puppies so I adopted five for her. :)
Matt: why five?
You: to have six :)

Tyler: Hey babe so you remember how my friend in Tennessee owns a farm? Well I've always wanted to start one and so she gave me a pig to help me start! Isn't that amazing!? I'm driving home now. I'll see you soon. Call me when you can. Bye!!!

Enzo: "So Enzo I'm ah in Africa."
"I adopted a pet and I had to go and get it but its a cute little hedgehog and I couldn't help myself but Africa is so pretty. We should come here more often."
"(Y/N). Africa. For a hedgehog."
"Oh don't worry Enzo. It's not like all the male lions are gonna band together and kill people."
"Yeah sure. You get home fast or else."
"Love you!"
"Yeah yeah yeah. Love you too."

Klaus: Klaus walks through the door and slips on some pee that is from your new found dog.
"Ahhh! Ugh! Gross. What is this? (Y/N)?! Is that a dog bed?!"
"Oh Nik hi hey. Wow you're home early. Hi love. How are you?"
"A dog bed. Pee on the floor. Either you're housing stray dogs or Haley transform to piss you off."
"Oh he peed? Again?! I just cleaned it up. Charlie!"
A little husky puppy cautiously walks in.
"You peed again?"
Nik growled and a whimper was heard coming from Charlie.
"Oh Nik he is just a puppy. He was in a box and I gave him some food and opened it up a little and he followed me home. Kinda like you did when you first met me."
"Fine. But he better learn to pee outside so I don't slip in it and get drenched in puppy pee."
"Sure thing Nik. Love ya!"

Elijah: "Okay Elijah don't get mad at me. It I went down to a pet store. And don't worry all these animals are here legally. But Igor is this cute little monkey. Look at how cute he is. He is so amazing. Oh Elijah don't roll your eyes at me. This is what happens when I shop by myself."

Kol: "hey babe. So when you get home don't flip. The bathtub is filled with sea otters. They were hurt and had wondered a bit far. But they really love to hold onto me. They won't let go of me and it's pretty funny. So I guess that we now have six otters. :)"

Marcel: "Okay you have some explaining to do. I understand that you wanted that piece of land to explore and wonder and to think. But what's with all the hay and reins?"
"Well ya see ha the thing is. I've never really had a horse so I got a foal. A filly. A female foal. And I can raise it and when she's old enough I can ride her and oh Marcel please don't be mad. I'm sorry."
"If you wanted a horse you should've just asked. I would've gotten you a team of horses. Anything for you my love. Anything for you."

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