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This is a part two to imagine number 15. Enjoy!!!!
Lucien was dead. Aurora was put down. Cami. Dead. Davina... dead. And Kol. Was so sad all the time. He really did love Davina.

March 10th. That's today. And it's my birthday. I really wasn't sure if I was gonna spend it alone or if Kol was gonna come over. I decided to take a walk around quarter. It was a fairly decent day outside. Not to cold. Not to hot. But it is New Orleans. So it was humid.

I had reached the Mikealson Manor. And I swear I have never seen more people in my life. I ran in to hear the Mikealson brothers-expect Finn- yelling at Marcel. All these vampires. I couldn't get to Kol. He lunged at Marcel and was bit in the neck.

I thought that he would be fine. But I didn't know that Marcel was now like Lucien. And that meant that Kol was gonna die. I ran to him as Klaus and Elijah were yelling and trying to keep from getting bit.

"Kol. Kol look at me. Listen to me. Focus on my voice okay."

"(Y/N). How ironic. I'm going to die on the day you were born."

"No don't say that. Don't talk like that. I'm not gonna let that happen. My allies. They would never let me experience such pain as losing someone that I love. Just hold on okay."

Elijah was bit. Rebekah was trying to talk Marcel down.

"Marcel you do realize that I can heal them right?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"You can bite them a million times over. But I will always have the power to heal them."

Everyone was in disbelief. How this could be there was no earthly cure that could fix them. But I guess it's a good thing that my allies aren't earthly.

"And not only do I have a cure. But I also have a weapon that can kill any and everything."

Kol was groaning in pain. I looked back at him and looked at him. He looked so handsome still. I turned back to face Marcel.

"I can't believe that you haven't connected the dots yet. I love to wear plaid. I have secret compartments everywhere."

I walked over to Kol and placed my hand on his neck. Blue light shined and his bite was healed. I kissed him on the lips. Feeling bold and confident all of a sudden. And his face was priceless.

"So Marcel. Unless you are looking to be killed by one of the most dangerous hunters in the world. I suggest that YOU be the one who leaves town."

Within the week he had fled. And so did all of Klaus's enemies. I healed the Mikealsons (Thanks Cass) and they were better and things had gone back to normal.

I was cleaning my book shelves in my room. Because they had gotten awfully dusty. Kol walked into my room and stood in the doorway. I had never been more embarrassed in my life. And I was only cleaning my books!

"Ya know you kissed me. And said that you loved me. All in one day. All within the time period of.. let's see. Not even ten minutes."

"Yes Kol make fun of me. Let's see who heals you when you get bit again."

He laughed and smiled a genuine smile. He rarely smiles like that anymore.

"I love you too (Y/N). More than I ever loved Davina. I didn't know it. I'm so sorry. But I realize it now. And I want to be with you. If you'll still have me."

"Now this is a great late birthday present." I smiled as I walked over to him. Placing my arms around his neck.

"I love you Kol."

"Happy late Birthday, my dearest (Y/N)."

This was but the first of the many sweet, sweet kisses that we would share. 

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